[by:恒星英语学习网] [00:00.00]喜欢Hxen.com,就把Hxen.com复制到QQ个人资料中!喜欢Hxen.com,就把Hxen.com复制到QQ个人资料中!I assume you've decided against buying a new car. [00:01.54]我猜想你已经决定不买新车了。 [00:03.08]It took him a long time to make up his mind. [00:04.41]他用了很长时间才下定决心。 [00:05.75]She insists that it doesn't make any difference to her. [00:07.59]她坚持说,这对她无所谓。 [00:09.43]I feel the same way. [00:10.40]我有同感。 [00:11.36]Thank you very much for saying that . [00:12.24]对别人表扬的潇洒回答。 [00:13.11]I appreciate your helping me. [00:14.05]非常感谢你的帮助。 [00:14.99]Please think nothing of it. [00:15.88]请别挂在心上。 [00:16.77]There wasn't much news in the paper today. [00:18.14]今天报上的新闻不多。 [00:19.51]2.We want to get used to speaking English. [00:20.83]我们想习惯于讲英语。 [00:22.15]You will soon get used to this climate and then the changes in temperature will not affect you. [00:24.56]你很快就会适应这里的气候。那时气候的变化就不会再影响你了。 [00:26.96]I can't seem to get used to wearing glasses. [00:28.38]看来似乎我很难适应戴眼睛。 [00:29.81]3.He's always forgetting things=He's very forgetful. [00:31.62]他总是忘记东西。 [00:33.44]4.My mother takes care of the household accounts. [00:34.77]我妈妈照料/负责全家的帐目。 [00:36.10]5.According to the weatherman,it will probably rain tomorrow. [00:37.94]据气象员预报,明天可能要下雨。 [00:39.78]6.I'd like to make an appointment with Professor Smith.Would 9:00 tomorrow be all right? [00:42.40]我和 Smith教授有一个约会。明天早上9:00怎么样? [00:45.01]7.Stone found it hard to adjust to the new neighborhood. [00:46.76]世通发觉他很难适应这个新的居住区/社区。 [00:48.51]8.I admire a person who is always honest. [00:49.91]我敬佩永远诚实的人。 [00:51.30]9.A: I heard that you won a lot of money at Las Vegas during your vacation.What are you going to do with it?" [00:54.00]我听说你在拉斯维加度假时赢了不少钱。你准备怎样用这笔钱? [00:56.69]B:Oh,I'm afraid It's gone already.Easy come,easy go,you know. [00:58.84]喔,现在已花光了,你知道,来的容易,去的也快! [01:01.00]10.Year in,year out,Stone takes the same bus to the same office to work at the same job,and he likes it! [01:04.50]一年进,一年又出去,Stone坐同样的车子到同样的办公室去做同样的工作。但是他喜欢。