[by:恒星英语学习网~www.Hxen.com] [00:00.53]I'd like to confirm my reservation, please. 我想确认预定的机票。 [00:04.46]Hello. This is Nancy Wang and I'd like to confirm my reservation, please. 您好!我叫王南希。我想确认预定的机票。 [00:09.53]What's your flight number? 请问您的航班? [00:11.46]It's AC57 to France on May 26. 我订的是5月26日去法国的AC57次航班。 [00:15.03]Hold on, please. Yes, you are booked on AC57 to France on May 26. 请稍等。是的,您5月26日去法国的AC57次航班的机票订好了。 [00:23.19]Thank you very much. 非常感谢。 [00:28.01]Do I have to make a recommendation? 你还要再确认吗? [00:31.26]Good morning! This is United Airlines. May I help you? 早上好,这是联运航空公司,有什么需要帮忙的吗? [00:35.59]I reserved a ticket to London five days ago. Do I have to make a reconfirmation? 我五天前预定了一张去伦敦的机票,我还要再确认吗? [00:42.08]Oh, there is no need. 哦,不用了。