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OK, so you screwed up royally. Take a deep breath, and then follow these job-saving measures.

You Will Need

An apology

Step 1: Admit it(主动承认错误)
Tell your boss you messed up without delay. It will be worse if they hear it later from someone else.

Step 2: Take it like an adult(用成熟的方法来处理对待)
Take full responsibility. Don’t try to explain it, minimize it, or justify it. Just say you’re sorry and move on to damage control.

Don’t be a tattle. The boss will admire you for your maturity, and you’ll win points with colleagues for taking one for the team.

Step 3: Offer solutions(提供解决方法)
Explain how you’re going to correct the problem. If it’s something that’s not easily remedied, offer several options.

Let your boss know you’ll make the necessary fixes on your own time so there’s no further loss of productivity.

Step 4: Learn from your mistake(从失败中吸取教训)
Tell your boss what you’ve learned from your mistake, and assure them it won’t happen again.

Step 5: Move on(向前看)
Move forward. Trust us: No one is thinking about your blunder nearly as much as you are!

Did you know? Twenty-eight percent of U.S. workers polled said lack of sleep causes them to make mistakes at work.

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