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French and British police are to set up a command and control center in Calais to target the organized gangs who smuggle migrants from Africa into Europe.

It is part of a range of security measures announced in Calais by the French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve and his British counterpart Theresa May. The port town is at the center of a crisis. Thousands of migrants are camped out in squalid conditions as they attempt to make their way to the United Kingdom.

In the latest rescue of migrants on a perilous journey to Europe, the Italian coastguard picked up 537 people in two separate operations, after the migrant crafts ran into difficulties. Among the migrants are 56 children and a pregnant woman.

And the German army rescued Wednesday 105 migrants drifting in a rubber dinghy off the Libyan coast. Many are bound for Calais, where the French and British interior ministers have been reviewing levels of cooperation in a bid to target human traffickers profiting from the migrants.

"From the beginning of the year, it's more than 100 illegal gangs we fight against, and some of them are in prison. So, we are aware of the situation and we put on the table a lot of means, in order to fight against illegal immigrants," said Cazeneuve.

"What we see here is the symptom of a wider problem that starts elsewhere in the world, with people trying to access, some who will be refugees, but many, many who will be illegal economic migrants," said May.

Targeting the human traffickers is to be linked to heightened security measures aimed at preventing migrants jumping trains and trucks to Britain.

The ministers then recognize they are containing a crisis and turning their attention to a crackdown on the criminal gangs that bring the migrants to the EU, to Calais and ultimately to the gateway to the UK.

Among the migrants there is little indication that the words from Paris and London will stop their onward journey.

"But the government of England and France, more agreement and more security and they make everything more, but we will try to cross the border, we die to cross the border," a woman said.

In the meantime, on the Greek Island of Kos, another boatload of migrants arrives, one perhaps soon heading North to France.