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United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon is in Geneva for talks between warring factions in Yemen. Discussions were due to start on Sunday but were delayed, at the last minute to Monday.

The unrest in Yemen has deteriorated since January when the Houthi rebels seized the presidential palace in Sanaa following deadly clashes with security forces.

If all invited parties make it to Geneva - that will be seen as progress.

Several Gulf ministers are already here. They met with United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Sunday.

But UN officials aren't expecting any sudden end to Yemen's civil war.

Prospects for much more look bleak.

Houthi rebels have ignored UN Security Council Resolution 2216 calling on them to withdraw from major Yemeni cities, including the capital Sanaa and recognize the president's authority.

But, nearly three months of Saudi Arabian-led airstrikes have, so far, failed to loosen the Houthis' hold.

Saudi ally Qatar says the campaign won't be eased.

There is much pressure on Ban's special envoy to Yemen, Ismail Ahmed.It's thought the one day scheduled for discussions could run into several.

Analysts believe a good outcome here would be getting the two sides to agree to some sort of framework for talks going forward. Even that's not a guarantee. The United Nations is warning of a worsening humanitarian crisis in Yemen. But even a lull -- to allow aid in -- looks unlikely.