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The United States is reassuring Baghdad of its commitment to Iraq's fight against Islamic State militants. US Vice President Joseph Biden on Monday pledged "full support" for Iraqi efforts to retake territories lost to the Islamic State. The comments come after Baghdad bristled at the Pentagon chief's criticism of Iraqi forces over the battle against the extremist group.

Iraq's government says its military is regrouping - and, with Iranian-backed Shia militia fighting for control of Ramadi in Anbar Province, Iraq is hopeful forces will retake the city. Still - Iraqi leaders are shocked that thousands of their troops fled in the face of ISIL again.

"It was an action that surprised all of us - that an army with all this power would withdraw against such a small enemy that attacked them," said Salel Al-Multaq, Iraq Deputy Prime Minister.

Citizens of Ramadi are now under the black flag of ISIL --And a humanitarian crisis has unfolded in the Iraqi desert as thousands flee Ramadi, for the relative safety of a well-fortified Baghdad. U-S forces have been training Iraqi forces for years -at a cost of billions of dollars. The American Defense Secretary is openly questioning Iraq's ability to protect its country.

"What apparently happened was the iraqi forces just showed no will to fight. We can give them the training - we can give them equipment -we obvously cant give them the will to fight," Ash Carter said.

The White House apparently trying to rub salve on an open wound -issued a statement recognizing the "enormous sacrifice and bravery" of Iraqi troops in the fight against ISIL. And US Vice-President Joe Biden called Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi pledging continued US support.

Meanwhile, al-Abadi says he believes Ramadi could be taken back from ISIL forces -quoting here - "..in days.." But the Prime Minister says more assistance is needed from coalition partners. The US defense secretary says it comes down to Iraq's will to fight

"They're the ones who have to have that to beat isil -and then keep, keep them beaten," he said.

There are calls in Washington for the Obama Administration to come up with another plan in Iraq. The war-weary US public doesn't support sending American fighting forces back- but there have been discussions about sending elite groups such as special forces, or Navy Seals to call in more strategic air attacks --or lead Iraqi ground troops.