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The Export-Import Bank of China, or China Eximbank, has played a significant role in extending financing support to the country's enterprises in their efforts to go global. Hu Yinan tells us more on just how the bank has been doing it.

This is state-of-the-art dry-mix mortar technology, now applied on construction fields from Beijing to Rome.

As a result, the dust and the humming noise of heavy machinery often found in other construction sites are a thing of the past here.

"The acquisition of Italy's CIFA has helped Zoomline's concrete equipment acquire superb performance in terms of weight and operationality," said Sun Changjun, Zoomline Group vice president.

That and the acquisition of construction machinery makers in Germany and the Netherlands have been made possible with the financing support of China Eximbank.

Thanks to its support, Zoomline has emerged from a local equipment enterprise to become a global industry leader in just seven years.

But it's not all about money. Chinese companies trying to go global have been eager for credit, guarantees, investments and a range of other services as well.

China Eximbank says it's been doing just that, providing custom-made financial services for companies that are reaching out to and opening operations in other markets. 

"We support their going-out efforts as well as their endeavors to invest and open plants and R&D centers abroad, so that they'll be able to absorb advanced technology and sales networks and become better companies," said Wang Yibing, Director of Hunan Provincial Branch, China Eximbank.

By the end of 2014, China Eximbank had helped the country's equipment manufacturing enterprises to open 1,832 plants and research and development centers around the world, with the balance of loans standing at some 570 billion yuan.