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After evacuating its nationals from Yemen, the Chinese government is helping other countries get their citizens out of the conflict-ridden country.

On Thursday, 225 evacuees from 10 countries arrived in Djibouti onboard a Chinese frigate. The frigate arrived in the East African country after nearly eight hours at sea. The evacuated nationals are from Pakistan, Ethiopia, Singapore, Italy, Germany, Poland, Ireland, Britain, Canada and Yemen.

A Chinese military official involved in the operation says it is the first time that a Chinese military vessel evacuated foreign nationals as part of the country's international humanitarian aid efforts.

Djiboutian Foreign Minister Mahamoud Ali Youssouf expressed his thanks for China's help. He added that Djibouti will continue to offer assistance for any further evacuation procedures.(TAKE SOT)

"It is our duty and responsibility as a neighbouring country to help and assist the foreign nationals living in Yemen to be evacuated. This is firstly a humanitarian assistants, and China is doing very well. I would like to seize this opportunity to thank the government of China and the people of China, and also the naval forces of China, who have been very constructive, very helpful," Youssouf said.

"First of all, I'd like to thank the government of China, and also the navy of China, the crew of these vessels, for rescuing Ethiopians from Aden. Because Aden is very wild now, worsening from time to time, and it's a very crucial time for us to rescue these people. On this visit we'll have 29 Ethiopians who just arrived now with nationals from other countries," said Suleiman Dedefo, Ethiopian ambassador to Djibouti.