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听力测试(共30分)<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />



1._____ 2._____ 3._____ 4._____ 5._____


6. A. Winter.                   B. Chinese.                        C. Sunday.

7. A. It's bad.                  B. Thank you.            C. You're welcome.

8. A. It's dry.                  B. It's exciting.           C. It's expensive.

9. A. Go ahead.                 B. Sorry, he's not in.         C. This is Jane speaking.

10. A. You're right.            B. Well done.                C. Good idea.



11. Where are the two speakers talking?

    A. In a theatre            B. In a restaurant.           C. In a museum.


12. Who has the girl's bike now?

    A. Tom.                        B. Sally.                   C. Michael.


13. What does John want to be?

    A. A singer.                      B. A teacher.               C. An engineer.


14. What's the relationship between the two speakers?

    A. Doctor and patient.        B. Teacher and student.      C. Boss and clerk.


15. Which country did Kate visit last month?

    A. America.                    B. Australia.              C. Canada.

16. How long did she stay there?

    A. Two years.                     B. Two months.                 C. Two weeks.

17. How was her trip?

    A. Very nice.                    B. Not good.             C. Just so-so.


18. What will the boy give a talk about?

    A. Chinese history.            B. Chinese culture.        C. Space science.

19. What kind of books does the boy like?

    A. History books.            B. Science books.           C. Sports books.

20. On which day is the library closed?

    A. Sunday.                  B. Wednesday.              C. Friday.


21. What was Li Hong like before?

    A. Shy.                        B. Serious.                      C. Careless.

22. What was she afraid to do in the English classes?

    A. Recite texts.             B. Answer questions.              C. Write compositions.

23. When did she begin to show interest in English?

    A. Five years ago.          B. At  the age of 16.              C. After going to middle school.

24. How did she learn English in her free time?

    A. By reading English stories.

    B. By listening to English songs.

    C. By going to the English comer.

25. What does she hope to do?

    A. To teach English.        B. To study abroad.       C. To travel abroad.


My <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Dream School



It has a dancing room, a 26________ field, a greenhouse and so on.


School hours

The students spend 27 ______ hours in the school on weekdays.


There are interesting lessons such as beauty, 28_______ and Chinese chess.


The school can 29______ all kinds of food for the students to choose from and eat more happily

Teachers and


The teachers are excellent and the students are 30________ and friendly.


二0一三年福州市初中毕业会考、高级中等学校招生考试<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />I. 听句子.选择正确的图画。每小题读—遍。

I . There is a post office near our school.

2. The girl has long black hair.

3. Mr. Zhang is working on the computer now.

4. The more vegetables you eat, the healthier you will be.

5. In a few years, people in Fuzhou will take the subway to school or work.


6. Which season do you like best?

7. Maria, your new dress is beautiful!

8. What do you think of the basketball match?

9. Hello! Who's that speaking?

10. Why not go to the park with me this afternoon?



W: May I take your order, sir?

M: Sure. I'd like some rice, fish and a glass of juice.


M: Sally, can I use your bike?

W: Sorry, Tom. Michael borrowed it yesterday.


W: Two weeks.

M: How was the weather there?

W: Perfect. It was a good time to visit there.

M: Did you enjoy yourselves?

W: Of course. It was really a nice trip.


M: Excuse me, Miss White! Are there any books on science?

W: Yes, there are. You like science, don't you?

M: No, I don't. But I was asked to give a talk about space science.

W: Oh, I see.

M: Can I have a look at the books about history? I love them very much.

W: Sure. They're on the shelf over there.

M: Thanks. I'd like this one about Chinese history. Can I return it next Wednesday afternoon?

W: Sorry. Our library is open every day except Wednesday.

M: OK. Thank you.


     Li Hong is a 16-year-old girl. She is good at English. However, four years ago she was very

shy and her English was poor, especially her spoken English. She was afraid to answer the teacher's

questions in the English classes.

    After she went to middle school, things were different. Her English teacher Mr. Gao taught very well and she liked him very much. She began to show interest in English. She listened carefully in class and took part in the classroom activities. In her free time, she read many English stories and watched lots of English movies.

    Now she is working hard and hopes to study abroad one day.


     Hello, everyone, I'd like to talk about my dream school.

     My dream school is big in e. It has a swimming pool, a dancing room and a football field.

The most important is that it has a greenhouse and a farm.

     On weekdays, the school starts at 9:00 a. m. and finishes at 3:00 p.m. Besides Chinese,

English and math,there are interesting lessons about beauty, cooking and Chinese chess. All these

can make the students feel interested in learning.

     At noon the school can provide all kinds of food such as Japanese, Korean and Chinese food. So the students can have many choices on food and eat more happily.

      As for the teachers, they are all excellent. And the students are polite and friendly. They learn from each other and help each other. They are like a big family.

I. (5分) 1--5 DE CBF
II. (5分) 6--10 ABBCC
III. (10分) ll--15 BCCAB     16--20 CACAB
IV. (5分) 21--25 ABCAB
V. (5分)26. football    27. six/6    28. cooking    29. provide    30. polite