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第一部分 听力测试(每小题1分,共20分)
6. Where are the man and the woman talking?
  A. In a sports club.       B. At a supermarket.    C. At a barber shop.
7. What's the weather like tomorrow afternoon?
  A. Sunny and warm      B. Rainy and cool       C. Cloudy and cool
8. How does the boy often go to school?
  A. By bus.              B. By bike.            C. On foot.
9. When did the woman begin waiting for the man?
  A. At 7:30.              B. At 8:00.            C. At 9:00.
10. What's the boy's favorite color?
  A. I don't know.          B. White.              C. Black.
11. What will they buy for their father?
   A. A T-shirt           B. A tie               C. A wallet
12. When will they meet?
   A. At 4:20             B. At 5:12.            C. At 5:20
13. How does the boy communicate with friends?
  A. By writing letters.    B. By e-mail           C. By making visits.
14. Why does the girl like writing letters?
  A. Because she lives far from her friends.
  B. Because she feels close to her friends.
  C. Because she has free time.
15. What does the girl think is the most important?
  A. Time.               B. Studies.            C. Friendship.
16. Which number do some people dislike?
   A. 13.                B. 12.                C. 14.
17. Why don’t people like the number?
   A. They think it's big.
   B. They think it's unlucky.
   C. They think it’s boring.
18. What did Jack do one day?
   A. He asked his friends to dinner.
   B. He asked his friends to sit together.
   C. He asked his friends to smile.
19. How did people look like at Jack's words'?
   A. Happy.             B. Angry.             C. Unhappy.
20. Who will have a baby in a few weeks?
   A. Jack’s wife.          B. Mrs. Brown.        C. Jack's sister

    1. W: Eric, how do you search for information in your spare time?
      M: Now I often surf the Internet.
    2. W: Summer holiday is coming, where would you go for vacation?
      M: Maybe somewhere near Beijing.
    3. W:Hey, Peter, look at the boy. How cool it is!
      M: Yeah, so it is! It looks like a motorbike.
    4.W: Does Cathy want to go to a movie?
      M:No, she likes listening to music.
    5. W: Which is your favorite subject, biology or physics?
      M:My favorite subject is biology.
    6. W:Excuse me.I don't like this style. Can you make my hair another style?
      M:Oh, Madam, this is the larest and fashionable.
    7.W: What's the weather forecast for tomorrow?
      M:It says cloudy and cool for the morning, but sunny and warm for the afternoon.
    8. W:Why don’t you ride a bike to school today?
       M:There's something wrong with my bike. So I have to wait for a bus.
    9. W:It’s 8:00 now. I have already waited for half an hour. Where are you?
    M:Sorry, dear. The traffic is terrible. I'II be there later.
    10. W:Of all the colors which color is vour favorite?White?
       M: No, the opposite one.

    听下面一段对话,回答第11至12 题。
    Y:What’s the date today,David?
    M: June 11th, why?
    W: Father’s Day is coming.Don't you remember?
    M:Oh.I really forgot. That day is for fathers in many countries.
    W:So what shall we give father as a present?
    M: How about a tie?
    W:Oh, no. He has many neck ties.
    M : Shall we buy him a 'r-shirt?
    W: Good idea ! His T-shirt has gone out of style.
    Let's go shopping at 5 : 20, shall we?
    M:Sure. See you then.

   听下面一段对话,回答第 13至 15题。
   W: Rich, how do you prefer to communicate with friends?
   M:I prefer easy and funny ways such as e-mail or QQ.
   W:Sounds cool!
   M : What about you?
   W:I'd Iike to write letters or make visits to friends. They make me feel close to my
   M: However, they might take more time.  After all, we are busy with our studies.
   W:Oh, yes. But I think friendship is more important than anything else.
   M:That's true
   W: When you own friends, you own everything.
         You don't think so, do you?
   M: Yes. I agree. Maybe l'11 spend more time with fnends next time.
    In some foreign countries,some people don' t like the number 13. They don’t think 13
is a lucky number, for example, they don ' t like to live on the thineenth tloor.
    One day, my friend Jack asked some friends to dinner. When all of his friends arrived.
he asked ihem to sit at the table.  He began to count the people in his mind while they were
having the delicious food. Suddenly. he cried out, "Oh. there are thirteen people here!”
Everyone's face turned white except Mr Brown. He said slowly with a smile on his face.
“Don’t worry, my friends. We have fourteen people here. My wife Mrs. Brownwill have a
baby in a few weeks. She is in the family way now.”
    All of them became happy again
    “Congratulations” they said. They all had a good time that evening.

1-5    CBAED                           6-10    CABAC
11-15  ACBBC                          16-20    ABACB