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一、听力测试(共20小题,计20分)(每小题约有8秒钟的答題时间)<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


1. A. I know.                  B. Yes, I do.              C. With pleasure.

2. A. No, I don’t.                     B. Sorry, I won.          C. That’s all right.

3. A. Thank you.               B. Not at all.              C. Don’t say so.

4. A. What a pity!              B. Good idea!             C. Don’t mention it!

5. A. I enjoy it.                    B. No problem.            C. I don’t think so.


6. Where are they talking?

A. In a store.                 B. In a restaurant.         C. At a bus stop.

7. How did the man use to go to work?

<?xml:namespace prefix = v ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" /><?xml:namespace prefix = w ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word" /> 2013年中考英语听力

      8. Where does the woman want to go?

A. The bank.                 B. The post office.        C. The book shop.

9. How long haven’t they seen each other?

A. For a year.                       B. For 18 months.         C. For half a year.

10. What does the woman ask the man to drink?

A. Some tea.                  B. Some coffee.             C. Some milk.


11. When will the new term begin?

A. In July.                     B. In August.              C. In September.

12. What kind of class does the man want to choose?

A. A two-hour class.           B. A one-hour class.       C. A fifty-minute class.

13. Who’s the teacher of the fifty-minute class?

A. Mr. Black.                       B. Miss Green.               C. Frank.

14. How much should the man pay for the class in total (总计)?

A. 60 yuan.                   B. 320 yuan.               C. 720 yuan.

15. Which telephone number should the man call for more information?

A. 352-2472.                 B. 352-2481.               C. 752-2461.



Things to do

This afternoon]

Have a walking tour of the (16) ___________.


Monday afternoon

Go to the sports center to plav (17) ___________, tennis or go swimming.

(18) ___________ afternoon

Go to the (19) ___________ clu b.


Sat urday

Go to Mount Tai at (20) ___________ in the morning.


16. A. city                    B. town                  C. village

17. A. football                B. volleyball               C. basketball

18. A. Tuesday                B. Thursday              C. Wednesday

19. A. art                     B. film                   C. music

20. A. 6:30                      B. 7:<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />30                  C. 8:30

(一) 录音中有五个句子,每个句子听一遍,然后从每小题A、B、C中选出能对每个句子做出适当反应的答语。
1. Could you please take a photo for me?
2. Jenny, don’t be late again!
3. Wow! You look cool with your sunglasses.
4. What about going for a walk?
5. What do you think of your school life?
6. W: Can I help you?
M: Yes. I’m looking for a watch for my father.
7. W: How did you go to work today?
M: By taxi. I used to go to work by bike.
8. W: Excuse me, is there a book shop near here?
M: Yes, it’s over there, near the post office.
W: Thank you.
9. W: Haven’t seen you for one and a half years, John!
M: Oh, Mary! Yes! I’ve just returned from Hong Kong.
10. W: Would you like some tea?
M: No, thanks. I’d like some coffee, please.
(Telephone rings)
W: Hello! Fun English School.
M: Hello! This is Frank. I want to get some information about your evening classes, please.
W: OK! They are on Saturdays. This term will finish at the end of July. New term starts in August and finishes in October.
M: I see. There are 12 lessons. And I want to improve my spoken English.
W: Well, there’s a two-hour speaking class.
M: Two hours? Er....
W: Well, we also have a fifty-minute class. Mr. Black will give you the lessons. I think …. That would be good for you.
M: That’s OK! How much does each class cost?
W: It’s 60 yuan.
M: OK! I’ll go to Mr. Black’s class.
W: You can call Miss Green at 352-2481 for more information.
M: Thank you! Bye!
W: Bye!
Hello, everyone! I am Mary. Now, let me tell you something about our plan for you. I think you can have a good time here. This afternoon, we will go together on the walking tour of the city. And then on Monday afternoon, we are going to the sports center where you can play basketball, tennis or go swimming to keep yourselves fit. And on Tuesday afternoon, we will go to the film club. This week’s film is Happy Weekends. On Wednesday, we are going on a day trip to Qingdao, and we are leaving here at 7:30 in the morning. Please don’t be late, or we will go without you. And finally on Saturday, we are off to Mount Tai, leaving at the same time. If there is any other thing you would like to do while you are here, just ask me.  And I will help you.

1-5CBABA 6-10ABCBA   11-15  BCACB    16-20  ACABB