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新概念英语第三册课文和笔记第46课:Do it yourself

§ Lesson 46 Do it yourself 自己动手
【New words and expressions】 生词和短语
●plead v. 找(借口),辩解
●ignorance n. 无知,不懂
●publication n. 出版物
●newlyweds n. 新婚夫妇
●gaily adv. 愉快地,高兴地
●leisure n. 空闲
●keen adj. 热心的,渴望的
●advisory adj. 咨询的
●novice n. 新手
●consumer n. 消费者,顾客
●assemble v. 装配,组装
●outlet n. 出路
●creative adj. 创造性的
●handyman n. 手巧的人,能工巧匠
●resourceful adj. 足智多谋的
●fuse v. 由于烧断保险丝而短路
●rickety adj. 要散架的,晃动的
●clog v. 堵塞
●delusion n. 错觉
●lawn mower 割草机
●adjustment n. 调整
●screw n. 螺丝钉
●dismantle v. 拆卸
●chunk n. (厚)块
●snap v. 绷断
●insurmountable adj. 不能克服的,难以对付的
●jigsaw n. 线锯
●nag v. 唠叨不休
●rust v. 生锈

◆plead v. 找(借口),辩解
plead ignorance: 一无所知
Eg: The authorities plead ignorance.
I pleaded that I was ill so I couldn’t go to the party.
plead that...
pleadable 可辩护的
Eg: This is a pleadable case.
pleading n. 辩护,恳求
pleader n. 辩护人
beg vt. 肯求 (可怜地一再要求)
beg sb. not to do
ask 请求,要求(期待肯定的答复)
entreat: 请求(通过反反复复的请求,来说服、软化对方)
implore 要求(迫切地、痛苦地要求)
Eg: The poor man implored me for help.

◆ignorance n. 无知,不懂
◆publication n. 出版物
◆newlyweds n. 新婚夫妇
◆gaily adv. 愉快地,高兴地
◆◆◆leisure n. 空闲
spare time
leisure hours
at leisure 悠闲自得的,空闲的

L46-01 end 9’23”

L46-02 begin 13’05”

Eg: I’m quite at leisure if you want to me to help you.
at one’s leisure 在某人空闲的时候,在某人高兴的时候
Eg: Look me up, at your leisure.
drop in me, at your leisure.
At your leisure, please call me.
wait sb.’s leisure 等某人有空闲的时候

◆◆◆keen adj. 热心的,渴望的
eager, anxious
be keen about 迷上,喜欢上
The boy is keen about footfall.
be keen on sth. 迷上,喜欢上(口)
anxious (焦急的心情,因焦虑而渴望)
eager (因特别想得到或拥有某物而渴求)
Eg: What are you eager for?
keen (因为极大的兴趣和欲念而热衷于)

◆advisory adj. 咨询的
◆novice n. 新手
◆consumer n. 消费者,顾客
◆assemble v. 装配,组装
assemble vi. 众多人的集会
==fit, put the parts / pieces together
Eg: It took me three hours to assemble thy bicycle.
amass, accumulate, collect, gather, assemble, store up, hold up

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