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新概念英语第三册课文和笔记第41课:Illusions of pastoral peace

exalt / laud
hypocritical 虚伪
The country life never appeals to me, and never appeals to others, either.
I love English. Everyday, I got up very early to read outside in my garden. That is my treat.

keep on doing sth.

背熟:Even he still lives under the illusion that country life is somehow superior to town life.
under the illusion that
live under the illusion that
Country life is somehow superior to town life.
the life of the country (第一次提到)
the country (第二次提到)
country life (第三次提到)

Every picture has got two sides. 凡事都有两方面

背熟:This idyllic pastoral scene is only part of the picture.

fails to mention == says nothing about 没有提到……
City life appeals to me. City life is superior to country life.

L41-05 end 18’11”

L41-06 begin 14’38”

City life appeals to me. City life is superior to country life.
fails to mention == says nothing about 没有提到……

背熟:Why people are prepared to tolerate a four- hour journey each day for the dubious privilege of living in the country is beyond me.

be beyond me = is beyond my understanding …是我无法理解的

stand / bear / put up with / endure / tolerate

privilege: advantage

dubious : doubtful / uncertain

Country life never appeals to me.

背熟:If you can do without the few pastoral pleasures of the country, you will find the city can provide you with the best that life can offer.
There are advantages of living in the country, but there are few advantages living in the country than living in the big city.

背熟:There is so much variety that you never have to make do with second best.
never have to ==need not ==don’t have to
do without
make do with 凑合者用

do without / manage without / go without 没有......也行
I can do / manage without a car.

available : able to be used anytime 随时可以应用的
I am availble to have a chat with you.
The books in our classroom are available for you.
be available for sb.
I have a dictionary available for you.

L41-06 end 14’38”

L41-07 begin 15’09”

inconvenience of living in the country
major : great / demanding

draw to its close = near its end 临近结束/尾声

背熟:The city dweller never experiences anxieties of this sort.
We can keep ourselves free from the anxieties of this sort which afflict the country dweller.
Eating food with different tasts is also a pleasure.

run wild 发疯

背熟: Country people run wild when they go shopping in the city and stagger home loaded with as many of the necessities of life as they can carry.

nor ... without 双重否定
The city has got its own beauty.

Don’t shed blood

deserted : enpty

all these things: all the pleasures of the city / all the advantages of living in the city
There are fewer advantages of the country than in the city.
There are more disadvantages of the country than those of the city.

L41-07 end 15’09”

L41-08 begin 12’30”

Explain the meanings of the following words and phrases as they are used in the passage: Extol the virtues(l.6); illusion (l.7); superior to (l.8); maintains (l.9); glinting (l.10); tolerate (l.14); beyond me (l.15)

extol the virtues
extol = praise highly
praise 比extol 的语义要弱得多
virtue 美德 = advantage

illusion 幻觉,错觉 = false idea

superior 比......有优势, ==better than

maintain == hold
glinting 闪烁 = glisten

tolerate 忍受 == endure, bear, stand, put up with, suffer without complaining

beyond me == can not be understood by me
beyond my understanding

【Multiple choice questions】
1 What is the main difference between the writer and most of his friends?
a. they often visit the country but he has only spent one weekend there.
b. Unlike them, being brought up in the city, he can appreciate its worth.
c. In contrast to them, he finds city people friendlier than country people.
d. He thinks them hypocritical to maintain a preference for country life.
背熟 D 选项
think sb. hypocritical 认为某人很虚伪
maintain a preference for sth. 坚持一种想法

2 What advantage has the city dweller over the country dweller in terms of entertainment?(背熟)
a. He can entertain his country friends more often than they can him.
b. His choice of entertainment is wide and within easy reach of him.
c. As he travels by bus and not by train, he can see the latest plays.
d. He does not need a major operation when planning a visit to the theatre.
in terms of
have advantage over sb./ sth. 比 ......更具有优势
within easy reach of sb. 方便,容易达到

3 When he speaks of the beauty to be found in the city, the writer ____ .
a. alludes to the comparative cheerlessness of winter nights in the country
b. means that if more people settled in the city they would find peace
c. advertises the fact that the city is a warmer place than the country
d. implies that the country is less peaceful than the city at weekends
allude to = mean

4 I _____ and bred in the city and have always regarded … (ll.1-2)
a. being born b. had been born c. was born d. am born

5 He _____ talking about the friendly people … (ll.8-9)
a. never tires of b. is never tiring of c. is never tired d. is never tiring when
tire of 厌倦
never 频度副词,表示情况总是如此
I am tired of doing so. 我已经厌倦了这么做。

6 The latest exhibitions, films or plays are only _____ .( l.23)
a. by bus a short distance away b. a short distance by bus away
c. a short distance away by bus d. the distance of a short bus away
on only short bus right away 只有几站路的路程

7 ---- and stagger home loaded with _____ exotic items as they can carry. (ll.25-26)
a. as many of the b. as many c. so many d. the most

L41-08 end 12’30”

L41-09 begin 7’03”

many of the 许多物品中的许多
You can take as many as you like. 你可以拿走你喜欢的东西。
You can take as many books as you can. 这些书籍你想拿多小就拿多少。

8 I have always been mystified _____ city dwells, who … (ll.29-30)
a. why b. by the fact that c. for what d. with
It has been a mystery to me.
be mystified by 被......所迷惑,被...... 所困扰
be frightened by 被......所吓着

9 _____ the only form of entertainment. (l.12)
a. pretty well b. altogether c. certainly d. in particular
原文: virtually 几乎,==almost, nearly
certainly 肯定的,当然的
altogether 总共,完全
in particular = particularly 特别,尤其是
pretty well 相当不错,相当好(AE), almost (BE)

10 If you can _____ without the few pastoral pleasues of the country … (l.17)
a. make b. manage c. succeed d. pass
10. do without, go without, manage without

11 As the play _____ … (ll.21-22)
a. reaches its climax b. nears its end c. ends its run d. draws the curtain
near its end 临近尾声 == draw to its close
areaches its climax 达到高潮

12 Few things can have such an _____ as the peace … (ll.27-28)
a. impact b. imposition c. imprint d. impression
imposition 强人所难
impose v.
Don’t impose your idea on me. 不要把你的想法强加给我。
imprint 印记,印痕
give sb. a (deep ) impression 给某人印象
have impact

【Key to Multiple choice questions】
1. D 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. A 6. C 7. B 8. B 9. A 10. B 11. B 12. A

L41-09 end 7’03”

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