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常速英语:Tiny New York Thai Restaurant Still Struggles as City Partially Reopens

For the first time in nearly two months, restaurants like Jaew Hon,a Thai style hotpot joint in queens are allowed to see diners.
近两个月来,皇后区的泰式火锅连锁店Jaew Hon等餐厅首次获准开门迎接顾客。
Its the first step to eased out of coronavirus restrictions,one familiar to owners of tiny ethnic restaurants and the customers nationwide.
Im ecstatic to reopen my restaurant and many of my employees are as well.
Were hopeful that our customers would still remember us,because we had to shut down the business for quite some time.
Jaew Hon its just one of the 92 percent of eateries that could not pay full rent in Decemberaccording to a new survey by the New York city hospitality alliance.
根据纽约市酒店业联盟的一项新调查,十二月份有百分之九十二的餐馆无法支付全额租金的餐厅,Jaew Hon是其中之一。
The restaurant like many in New York still needs a lifeline.
The landlord reduced the rent by half, that helped,but the Jaew Hon specialty paper thin slices of meat and vegetablescooked at the table by diners tipping them in boiling broth doesnt really work as takeout.
房东把房租降低了一半,这起到了帮助作用,但Jaew Hon特制薄如纸的肉片和蔬菜是要由用餐者在餐桌上用沸腾的肉汤小费烹调,无法实现外卖。
I used the money from the payment protection plan to bring my staff back on payroll.
I tried everything to keep my business goingfrom offering takeout to giving discounts on delivery orders, but it didnt work.
No one wanted to eat hot pot at home.
Jaew Hon opted out of serving hot pot outdoors due to safety concerns in a neighborhoodknown for its bustling pedestrian in traffic.
出于安全考虑,Jaew Hon选择不供应堂食火锅,而它所在的这个社区以行人众多而闻名。
So when the restaurant opened this week fans returned.
This is like my go-to after a hard day at work.
So its been kind of hard to like unwind without it.
Im happy to be back inside.
Dining outdoors in the streets during the winter makes it difficult to enjoy the food and ambience.
But even as customers return,Jaew Hon says there still struggles because restaurants can only see 25 percent of that capacity at a time.
但即使顾客回来了,Jaew Hon表示仍然在苦苦挣扎,因为餐厅一次只能接待四分之一容量的顾客。
Some customers have asked if we take reservations,but I have to tell them that I can only service a few people at a given time.
I wish the state would allow me to open up more than 25 percent of the seating capacity.
Ive taken a loss of revenue because of that.
But as a start as the number of covid 19 cases falls and more people get vaccinated.
So Dara is hopeful that her hotpot hot spot will soon enjoy a profitable new normal.
Janine Pacquiao VOA news New York
美国之音记者Janine Pacquiao纽约报道