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《听见英国》第29练:最糟的工作体验 (MP3和文本下载)

Unit 8 Work and Business 工作与社交
Listening 1 Worst Job I Ever Had 最糟的工作体验

Speaker 1:
Well,I've had some terrible jobs I can tell you,but the worst...I suppose...the worst was probably in a factory down in London.My job...if you could call it that...was to pick out all the black beans,you know,the bad beans on the conveyor belt in a baked beans factory.Once I'd removed all the bad ones,then I had to pull a lever down which put a lid on the tins.It was really boring I can tell you,very repetitive...and the pay...the pay was awful.I only managed to do it for a couple of weeks before I quit.

Speaker 2:
Let me tell you...the absolutely worst job I ever had was working on a pig farm near a place called Toowoomba,in Australia...Phew!I can smell it even now,if I think about it too much.The wages were good,but I hated having to get up at 5 o'clock every morning,even if it was raining...and the filth and muck...Yuck!I had to feed the pigs and clean out their little houses...you know,the sites...No,no,that was the longest six months of my life...never again!

Speaker 3:
I don't know...It's a bit embarrassing really...Well,I had this job...it was only for a couple of hours really...just for one night.It was in a town at a local art college.They needed a model...nude...no clothes and that...so I just said OK.Easy really...just stood there very still and they just painted.But,the room was really,really cold and I nearly froze.Awful money too...only a couple of pounds for an hour...never do it again...rotten job.

1 号说话者:

2 号说话者:
我跟你说......我所做过最糟最糟的工作,是在一个养猪场,在澳洲一个叫做土温巴的地方附近......哎!甚至到现在我都还闻得到那个味道,如果一直想这件事的话。薪水还不错,但是我讨厌每个早上5 点就要起床,连下雨天也不例外......还有那股脏劲、臭劲......恶!我必须喂猪、清理它们的家,你知道.....就是猪圈,不,不,那是我一生中最漫长的6 个月......千万不要再来一次了!

3 号说话者:

接下来听到的对话中,用到了1~9 所列出的单字和片语,请从(A)~(I)中选出一个意思最接近的选项。
1.  factory                   (A) terrible or very bad
2.  remove                   (B) again and again
3.  repetitive                 (C) to give food to something or someone
4.  quit                      (D) a building where products are made
5.  filth and muck              (E) a way to describe very dirty conditions
6.  feed                      (F) to voluntarily stop your job
7.  sty                       (G) a shelter made for pigs
8.  froze                      (H) past tense of ‘freeze’
9.  awful                       (I) to take away something

答案:1.D  2.I  3.B  4.F  5_E  6. C  7. G  8.H  9.A

Speaker1 ____________________________
Speaker2 ____________________________
Speaker3 ____________________________

a farm                   Australia
a college                 clothes shop
London                  Wimbledon
a factory

Speaker 1:a factory/London
Speaker 2:a farm/Australia
Speaker 3:a college

1. When did the man move?
A: __________________
2. How many people does the man live with?
A: ___________________
3. What do they do?
A: ___________________
4. Who does the woman now live with?
A: ____________________
5. Why did the woman move back with her parents?
A: ______________________

Speaker l:find bad beans/put lids on tins
Speaker 2:feed and clean
Speaker 3 cake off clothes/stand still

1. Speaker 1’s job was boring.                                (T)(F)
2. Speaker 2 had to get up very early.                           (T)(F)
3. Speaker 3’s job was difficult and cold.                        (T)(F)
4. Of all three speakers, Speaker 2 worked the longest.             (T)(F)
5. Of all three speakers, Speaker 3’s pay was the best.              (T)(F)

答案:1.T  2.T  3.F  4.T  5.F

下面是Speaker 1 独白的内容,请再听一次,在空格内填入遗漏的部分。
Well, I’ve had some terrible jobs I can tell you, but the worst…. I suppose… the worst was probably in a factory down in ____________. My job … if you could call it that… was to pick out all the____________, you know, the bad beans on the conveyor belt in a baked beans factory. Once I’d removed all the bad ones, the I had to pull a lever ____________which put a lid on the tins. It war really ________________I can tell you, very repetitive… and the pay … the  pay was___________. I only managed to do it for a couple of weeks before I______________.

答案:London,  black beans,  down,  boring,  awful,  quit