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环球慢速英语 第568期:杰妮的故事(1)

Genie's Story

voice 1: Thank you for joining us for today's Spotlight. I'm Joshua Leo.

voice 2: And I'm Liz Waid. Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. It is easier for people to understand no matter where in the world they live.

voice 1: In the autumn of 1970, a woman walked into a service office in Temple City, California. She brought her daughter with her. The woman wanted to receive money because she was going blind. A woman working in the office noticed the woman's daughter. She thought the woman's daughter was about six years old. She also thought that the girl had a mental disability. But then she discovered that the woman's daughter was really thirteen years old! The woman in the office knew something was wrong. She quickly called the police. The police arrested the girl's parents. They were charged with the crime of child abuse.

Today's Spotlight is on Genie, and her story of abuse.