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环球慢速英语 第560期:国际残疾人日(2)

voice 1: These are words from a poem called "Bienaventurados". The word is Spanish for, "happy" or "blessed." The poem's writer sent this poem to a group in Argentina - the National Association of the Promotion of Disabled Persons. The writer of the poem is very skilled. The writer is also disabled.
声音1:这些是诗歌《Bienaventurados》的内容。这首诗的名字是西班牙语,意思是“快乐”或“幸福”。这首诗的作者将诗作寄给了阿根廷组织国家促进残疾人协会 。这首诗的作者技艺精湛。这名作者是残疾人。

voice 2: December the third is the International Day of Disabled Persons. There are many kinds of disabilities. Some people have physical disabilities — they may be blind, deaf, or not able to walk. Other people have mental disabilities — their brains act differently in some way.