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探索频道英语听力 遗失的大陆-01
From the hidden valleys of Tibet and the stunning pyramids of Mexico to the icy waste of the Antarctic and the deepest ocean trenches, our search for Atlantis will take us all across the world to seek out ancient clues of a civilization that perished before history had even begun, an object of endless fascination and relentless obsession. It is a quest through time and space, to pivotal moments in human history, as well as the dark side of man's longing for perfection. The myth of Atlantis has cast its spell over generations, each trying to find its own unique vision of this lost idyllic paradise.

Our journey will take us across oceans and continents and span ten thousand years of human history, a journey to find a magical lost world.

The search for Atlantis has captivated some of the most restless minds and original thinkers of every generation. It is a search that begins here, in the most glorious city of ancient Greece, Athens. In the 4th century B.C., Athens was a city preeminent in all the world, the very epicenter of classical civilization and a beacon of cultural and artistic excellence that had shone through the ages right down to the present day. And it was here in the world's first democracy, that philosopher Plato wrote the story, three and a half centuries before the time of Christ. That is the first account of Atlantis in all literature.

relentless: adj. 无情的。
pivotal: adj. 关键的。
epicenter: n. 震中。