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牛津书虫系列《苔丝》Chapter8 附中英双语文本
A New Life 8
新生活 8
And so it was that on a beautiful morning in May,two to three years after her return from Trantridge,Tess Durbeyfield left home for the second time.She was going in the opposite direction this time.When she reached the first hill,she looked back at Marlott and her father's house with sadness in her heart.
She travelled partly by carriage and partly on foot,carrying her basket.Not far to her left she could see the trees which surrounded Kingsbere,with its church where her ancestors lay in their tombs.She could no longer admire or respect them. She almost hated them for ruining her life.Nothing of theirs was left except the old seal and spoon.
‘Huh!I have as much of mother as father in me!’she said.‘All my prettiness comes from her,and she was only a dairymaid.’
Her walk took two hours,until she reached the hill overlooking the Valley of the Great Dairies. This valley was watered by the river Froom,and produced huge amounts of milk and butter,more even than Tess's Vale of Blackmoor, which was known as the Vale of Little Dairies.
As she stood and looked,she realized the valleys were quite different.Here the fields and farms were much larger. She saw more cows at a glance than she had ever seen before.The evening sun shone on their red,white and brown bodies.She thought that this view was perhaps not as beautiful as a view of Blackmoor Vale,which she knew so well.There the sky was deep blue,the smell of the earth was heavy in the air,the streams ran slowly and silently.But this view was more cheerful. Here the air was clear and light, and the river Froom rushed as fast as the shadow of a cloud.
Either the change in the quality of the air,or the feeling that she was going to start a new life here, made her feel much happier.She ran along, her hopes and the sunshine warming her.
She looked at her best as she ran laughing into the warm wind.The desire for pleasure, which is in every living thing, had finally won over Tess. She was,after all,only a young woman of twenty, who had not finished growing up. No event,however unpleasant,could have marked her for ever. She was young and strong and beautiful, and could not remain sad for long.
Her hopes rose higher than ever. She wanted to show how grateful she was for this second chance.She started singing love songs,but found they were not enough to express her feelings.She remembered the Sunday mornings of her girlhood,and sang:‘Oh sun and moon… Oh stars… Oh children of men… Praise the Lord! Praise Him for ever!’ until she stopped suddenly and murmured, ‘But perhaps I don't quite know the Lord yet.’
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