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牛津书虫系列《公正》Chapter4 附中英双语文本

No! Fear burned Alan like a fire.1 mustn't tell him about Anna.If ldo,Jane will die…
‘You've probably read in the newspapers,Mr Cole,that we've arrested two men.’The policeman told Alan the story about the two Irishmen in the coach factory.‘So we know they bombed the coach,and how they did it.`I suppose you're pleased about that.’
‘Er…yes,’Alan said quietly.‘That's good.But why have you come to see me?’
‘I iusLneed to ask you s few questions about the day before the bowXg .You see,we think these~put the bomb in the coach three days before the bombing,while the coach was at the factory.So the bomb was already in the coach when it came back to the Mews.’
‘Was it?’Alan said.He didn't really understand what the policeman was talking about.
‘We think so,yes.And in your job,you look after the coach,don't you?’
‘The coach,yes.And the horses.Mostly the horses.’
‘Well,did you notice anything unusual — anything at all?’
‘No,I don't think so.’
‘Let's take this slowly,the policeman said.‘The day before the bombing,when did you leave work?’
‘At…about six o'clock.Half past,perhaps,’
‘And you didn't go back?,
‘No,’Alan said quietly.
Then he looked away,quickly,out of the window.He felt cold,frightened,lonely.
‘Are you sure about that,Mr Cole?You see,a guard told me you came back later,at about ten,’
‘He did? Oh,yes,of course .I went back to see a horse,Sandman .He had a bad leg.’
‘I see.’The policeman wrote in his book.‘Alone?’
‘I'm sorry?’
‘Were you alone,Mr Cole? When you saw the horse?’
For a moment Alan didn't answer.A new,very, unwelcome idea came to him,and he began to feel sick with fear. It wasn't those two Irishmen,he thought,it was Anna!She put the bomb in the coach when I 'was with Sandman.I was alone with the horse for at least ten minutes;she had plenty of time.
And that means she didn't love me at all,she just used me.I thought I was so lucky,an old man with a young pretty woman in my bed — and all the time she was laughing at me.Worse than that — she's a murderer!She killed George and Bernard and John,and she took my leg,and now she's going to kill Jane as well!
And I can't say anything about it.
That's why she phoned me.To make sure that I never tell the police.
If I tell this policeman,Jane will die.
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