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牛津书虫系列《圣诞欢歌》Chapter4 附中英双语文本
4 The last of the spirits
‘The third spirit will come at midnight.’scrooge suddenly remembered the words of Jacob Marley's ghost,and,lifting his eyes,saw a spirit,all in black,coming slowly towards him.It was a tall,silent figure,wearing a long black robe which hid its head and body.When it came close to him,it stopped and pointed onwards with one hand.Scrooge was more afraid of this spirit than he had been of the others,and his voice was shaking as he asked,‘Are you the spirit of Christmas Yet to Come?’the ghost neither spoke nor moved,but still pointed onwards.
‘Are you going to show me shadows of the things which haven't happened yet, but will happen in the future?’scrooge asked.
There was no answer.
‘Ghost of the future!’he continued.‘You frighten me very much,but I think you can help me to change my life.I'll be very grateful to you if you show me the future.Won't you speak to me?’
Again,no reply.
‘Well,show me the way,spirit!’said Scrooge finally.‘The night is passing,and time is valuable to me,I know.’
The ghost moved away,with Scrooge following in its shadow.Suddenly they were in the heart of the capital,among the businessmen and moneylenders.The ghost pointed to one small group of men,so Scrooge went closer to listen to their conversation.
‘No,I don't know much about it,’said one fat man.‘I only know he's dead.’
‘When did he die?’asked another man.
‘Last night,I think.’
‘Why,what was the matter with him?’asked a third.
‘I've no idea,’replied the fat man,looking bored.‘who cares?’
‘What's he done with his money?’asked a red-faced gentleman.
‘I haven't heard,’said the fat man.‘He hasn't left it to me, that's all I know.’
They all laughed at this.Scrooge knew the men, and looked towards the spirit, hoping it would explain what the conversation meant.But the ghost moved on,pointing at two more men.Scrooge listened again.He knew these men well.They were rich and important, and he had often done business with them.
‘How are you?’said one.
‘How are you?’replied the other.
‘Well!’said the first.‘The old man has died at last,has he?’
‘So they tell me,’replied the second.‘Cold,isn't it?’
‘Nice and frosty for Christmas.Good morning!’
Not another word.That was the end of their meeting.
Scrooge wondered why the spirit wanted him to hear these conversations.What could they mean?The dead man could not be his partner Jacob,because he was already dead.
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