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英国都市掠影:The Square Mile一平方英里


The script of this programme 本节目台词  

John: Hi there from BBC Learning English. It's John here with another On The Town. With me is Oliver.
Oliver: Hi John.

John: Today we’re in the City of London

Oliver: Hang on John, aren't we always talking about the City of London?

John: Well we often speak about London, but not the City of London!

Oliver: I don’t understand!

John: Well when we speak about London generally we normally talk about the commercial areas, and the places where the museums are. And that is quite different from The City Of London.

Oliver: So what is the City of London then?

John: It’s where you’ll find all the main financial institutions of Britain, the big banks and the Stock Exchange!

Oliver: 就是说在伦敦金融城,the City,你可以找到所有的主要金融机构,the financial institutions, 大银行,the banks, 和证券交易所, the Stock Exchange.

John: It’s also the oldest part of London, where you can see the ancient Roman remains of Londinium – that’s the name given to the city of London in Roman times.

Oliver: 伦敦金融城地区是伦敦城区最古老的部分之一,在这里很多历史遗存 remains, 可以追溯到古罗马时代Roman Times.

John: BBC reporter Flora Winfield took a look around the City of London.

Oliver: 她的介绍是从一个非常受欢迎的地方开始的,这个地方在金融城的街道的地底下,让我们听听看她发现了什么。


I’m standing beneath the streets of the City of London, in the heart of Roman Londinium, in those days, 2000 years ago to be exact, this was the amphitheatre where the Romans held their games. Now it lies underneath the medieval Guild Hall, centre of the government of the modern City of London, known as the Square Mile. The patterns of that medieval life are still clearly visible in the street plan of the modern city.

John: So Flora was reporting from beneath the streets of the City Of London.

Oliver: So, Flora was underground, 地下. FLORA是在金融城的街道底下做的报道, beneath the streets。

John: Flora said that 2000 years ago the place where she was standing was used as an amphitheatre.

Oliver: 圆形剧场an amphitheatre.这是古罗马人举行活动的地方,现在在这座建筑的上面是另外一座古建筑,中世纪的老市政厅, the medieval Guild Hall.

John: Now you heard Flora use a term there to describe the City of London.

Oliver: What was it?