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英国都市掠影:Trafalgar Square 特拉法加广场


The script of this programme 本节目台词  

Youling: It’s the square for the tallest Christmas tree in London!
Andrea: And the biggest New year celebration party!

Andrea: For UK sporting victory parades!

Youling: And large concerts and performances!

Andrea: Yes, it’s Trafalgar Square! Hello and welcome to On the Town with BBC Learning English, I’m Andrea.

Youling: 大家好我是幼玲,今天城市掠影我们来到了伦敦市中心著名的特拉法家广场 Trafalgar Square,也叫鸽子广场. But where does the name come from?

Andrea: Nigel is a senior librarian, and he knows all about it:


Trafalgar Square is one of the most important places in Britain. It was built to commemorate Admiral Nelson, the square was named after the Spanish Cape Trafalgar where his last battle was won. So after the victory it was a great populous move to create a statue right in the centre of the capital for such a person, so people always look up to him. It is so symbolic that all the tourists come here; they may be a bit put off by the enormous amount of pigeons which can be a nuisance.

Youling: 广场的取名,Trafalgar 就是为了纪念纳尔逊尔海军上将在西班牙特拉法加角海战中立下的不朽功勋. To commemorate 纪念。那一战役为巩固19世纪初英国海上霸主地位起了决定性的作用.

Andrea: So after the victory there was a popular movement to create a statue right in the centre of the capital.

Youling: 众心所向 在首都中心为纳尔逊建造一塑雕像 to create a statue

Andrea: People always look up to him; look up to someone

Youling: 敬仰; 敬佩的意思 look up to

Andrea: But to Nigel, the pigeons could be a bit of a problem as there are too many of them, enormous

Youling: 在形容鸽子数量时他用了enormous大量的,成群成队的鸽子在广场上空飞来飞去,有时会令人感到讨厌 a nuisance. But I think pigeons are just part of its unique attraction 独特诱人之处,不是吗?

Andrea: Yes. Over the years Trafalgar Square has become a symbolic place for visitors.

Youling: 已经成为一个具有代表性,象征性的景点 a symbolic place. A symbol; symbolic