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洪恩环境英语第九册课本 10

[00:39.00]No,I wouldn't hire new people at first.I wouldn't fire anyone.I'd wait.
[00:40.00]Good advice,Maria.So,if you were me,you would buy the new station.
[00:41.00]Right,But Sam.I have a question for you.
[00:42.00]What's going to happen to WEFL?
[00:42.50]WEFL 会发生什么变化?
[00:43.00]I havee to sell my share of WEFL so I can buy the California station.
[00:43.50]我会把WEFL 的股份卖掉,这样才能买加利福尼亚的电视台。
[00:44.00]Sell it?I just talked to a businees friend of mine.
[00:44.50]把WEFL 给卖了?我刚刚和一个生意人上的朋友谈过了,
[00:45.00]He wants to buy it.You're the first to hear the news.
[00:46.00]You're selling WEFl and moving to California?
[00:46.50]你要卖掉WEFL 搬到加利福尼亚去?
[00:47.00]Maria,I wouldn't be worried about it if I were you.
[00:48.00]I'll miss you,Sam.I'd be happier if California weren't so far away.
[00:49.00]Well,this is my last question for you,
[00:50.00]will you come to my new station and be the producer?
[00:51.00]California?A new station?
[00:52.00]Think about it for a day or two.Can you give me an answer by Wednesday.
[00:53.00]By Wednesday?I'll try.
[00:54.00]On Thursday morning,the new owenr and I want to tell the staff about the sale of WEFL.
[00:54.50]周四早上新老板和我将要向员工宣布出售WEFL 的事,
[00:55.00]We want to tell them before Jake finds out and does a big story on it.
[00:56.00]Yes,if Jake found out,the story would be in the news immediately.
[00:57.00]Who's the new owner,Sam?
[00:58.00]will he be a good boss?
[00:59.00]He won't fire anyone,will he?No,no,Don't worry about him,
[-1:00.00]Just think about California.
[-1:-1.00]I need to know more about the station,
[-1:-2.00]and about the news show.and about everything.
[-1:-3.00]Come on,let's go to dinner and I'll tell you everything.
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