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大学英语综合教程 第三册 8textA

[09:57.34]13 But suppose, instead, that scientists could take one of your cells—any cell—and merge it with a human egg.
[10:06.51]The egg would start to divide, to develop, but it would not be permitted to divide more than a few times.
[10:15.13]Instead, technicians would bathe it in proteins that direct primitive cells, embryo cells, to become marrow cells.
[10:26.05]What started out to be a clone of you could grow into a batch of your marrow—the perfect match.
[10:34.38]14 More difficult, but not inconceivable, would be to grow solid organs, like kidneys or livers, in the same way.
[10:44.31]15Another possibility is to create animals whose organs are perfect genetic matches for humans.If you need a liver,
[10:53.92]a kidney, or even a heart, you might be able to get one from a specially designed pig clone.
[11:01.68]16 The possibilities are limitless, scientists say, and so, some argue,
[11:07.74]we should stop focusing on our hypothetical fears and think about the benefits that cloning could bring.
[11:16.44]clone                           lamb                            balding                         embryologist
[11:22.49]克隆            羊羔            开始秃顶的      胚胎学家
[11:28.54]pregnancy                       give birth to                   champagne                       veterinarian                                  
[11:34.82]怀孕            产生            香槟酒          兽医
[11:41.10]for all the world               dot                             creation                        union
[11:46.65]在各个方面      散步于          创造物          结合
[11:52.20]sperm                           udder                           cell                            fuse
[11:58.67]精子            乳房            细胞            融合
[12:05.13]gene                            tale up                         residence                       identical
[12:11.85]基因            住进            居住            同一个
[12:18.56]genetically                     twin                            beforehand                      oppose
[12:24.31]遗传上          双胞胎之一      事先            反对
[12:30.05]theoretical                     pragmatism
[12:33.70]理论的          实用观点
[12:37.34]compromise                      morally                         plague                          humanity
[12:44.34]妥协            道德上          使痛苦          人类
[12:51.34]potential                       tolerate                        ancient                         vanity
[12:57.50]潜力            容忍            古代的          自负
[13:03.65]donor                           catalog                         terrify                         replica
[13:08.74]捐赠人          目录            使恐惧          复制品
[13:13.83]lottery                         normally                        uNPRedictable                   mixture
[13:18.33]抽签            正常地          不可预测的      混合物
[13:22.82]brilliant                       inherit                         purity                          innocence
[13:28.69]才华横溢的      继承            纯净            清白
[13:34.55]comment                         genius                          atomic                          let loose
[13:39.76]评论            天才            原子的          释放
[13:44.97]curiosity                       physicist                       atom                            multi-layered
[13:50.00]好奇心          物理学家        原子            多层次的
[13:55.03]reprogram                       transplant                      marrow                          leukemia
[14:01.98]重新编程        移植            骨髓            白血病
[14:08.93]lash out at                     immune                          merge                           technician
[14:14.10]严厉斥责        免疫的          使合并          技术员
[14:19.27]protein                         primitive                       embryo                          start out
[14:23.14]蛋白质          原始的          胚胎            起初意图
[14:27.00]grow into                       batch                           inconceivable                   kidney
[14:32.49]长成            一组            不可思议的      肾
[14:41.99]肝脏            无限的          假设的
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