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大学英语综合教程 第三册 3textA

[07:08.15]latch                           on the latch                    close up                        rural                      
[07:13.75]门              门关着没上锁    关闭            农村的
[07:19.35]unlock                          vulnerable                      well-patroled                   urban              
[07:22.84]开锁            无防御的        巡查严密的      都市的
[07:26.33]statistics                      dramatially                     allegedly                       tranquil                 
[07:29.78]统计            戏剧性地        据称            平静的
[07:33.22]era                             dead-bolt                       electronic                      trip wire                
[07:36.92]纪元            防盗门          电子的          绊索
[07:40.62]hook up to                      patio                           elegantly                       build in                
[07:45.44]连接到          平台            优雅地          成为建筑物的一部分
[07:50.26]pry                             paste                           premise                         surveillance           
[07:53.95]撬开            粘贴            前提            监视  
[07:57.65]advertisement                   feature                         chart                           padlock
[08:01.62]广告            突出            示意图          扣锁 
[08:05.59]ad                              psychic                         transformation                  put up
[08:09.42]广告            心灵            改变            设置 
[08:13.24]barrier                         barricade                       wander                          X-ray
[08:16.34]妨碍            路障            徘徊            X射线的  
[08:19.44]take off                        terrorist                       hold/keep(sb.) at bay
[08:22.70]起飞            恐怖            不让……逼近
[08:25.97]frisker                         without/with not so much as     sideways                         stand for                      
[08:31.61]搜身            甚至连……都没…斜着(的)      代表
[08:37.25]be bathed in                    analyze                         with/by a small/large margin    error
[08:42.14]沉浸于          分析            小/大幅度地     错误
[08:47.02]insecure                        secure                          civilize                        reflection
[08:50.89]不可靠的        安全的          使文明          思考           
[08:54.75]puzzling                        housewife                       rape                            whistle
[08:57.25]令人困惑的      家庭主妇        强奸            哨子           
[08:59.74]self-protection                 protection                      outsmart
[09:02.82]自我保护        保护            比…精明       
[09:08.23]邪恶            遗产            回顾
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