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美语听力讲解:苹果支付5亿美元和解金 老iPhone每台最高可获赔25美元

What company made the Newton, a personal digital assistant released in 1993, Apple, Casio, IBM or PalmPilot? Though it wasn't the first PDA and though it wasn't successful, the Newton was released by Apple in 1993.
Twenty-seven years later smartphones accomplish many if not of the functions of the early PDAs. And while Apple's Newton didn't take off, it's iPhone has been a tremendous success. But the company's been accused of intentionally slowing down older iPhones in order to influence users to buy newer ones. To settle a lawsuit about that, Apple just agreed to pay as much as $500 million. This would translate to $25 per phone to people who own certain iPhone 6's and 7's that were bought before December 21st, 2017.

In that year, angry customers and technology analysts found that Apple's software updates were actually slowing down their iPhones. Apple admitted it was slowing them down but the company said it did that to protect the phones from issues with their older batteries. Apple apologized and offered to replace iPhone batteries for $79 then it reduced that price to $29 in January of 2018. The company says the battery replacement program did hurt its revenue that year.
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