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新编四级听力练习 第447期

36. guilty
37. entirely
38. manners
39. referred
解析:be...to表明此处需要动词分词或形容词。refer to指“提到,谈到”。注意要双写r再加-ed。
40. offense
41. demanding
42. social
43. inferiors
解析:treat sb. as“把某人看做”表明此处需要填入名词。inferiors指“下等人”。
44. 标准答案:Take a girl out for a meal and she'll probably insist on paying her share of the bill
听音关键:take a girl out, meal, insist on paying bill
答案重构:Take a girl to eat out and she may insist on sharing the bill
画龙点睛:insist on表示“坚持”,后要接动名词。
45. 标准答案:given up some of the automatic gestures of politeness and consideration which they used to show towards women
听音关键:given up, automatic gestures, politeness and consideration, used to, women
答案重构:given up some automatic gestures of politeness and consideration which they used to show towards women
画龙点睛:used to表示“过去常常”。
46. 标准答案:men can see women as equal human beings, rather than as sex-objects or attractive property
听音关键:women, equal human, rather than, sex-objects, attractive property
答案重构:men can see women as equal humans, not sex-objects or attractive property
画龙点睛:see...as“把……看做”;rather than“而不是”。

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