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英语四级考试听力第六期 Short Conversation

Test Three 01-05 (选自93年6月)
A The pear
B The weather
C The sea food
D The cold

A Mary has never studied mathematics
B Mary must be good at mathematics
C Mary enjoy learning mathematics
D Mary probably is poor at mathematics

A George’s brother
B George’s wife
C George’s father
D George’s wife’s father

A She can use his car
B She can borrow someone else’s car
C She must get her car fixed
D She can’t borrow his car

A At 02:35
B At 02:45
C At 03:00
D At 03:20


W: You don’t feel very well , do you ? You look pale . Have you got a cold.
M: Oh , no , but my stomachaches. Maybe the sea food doesn’t agree with me.
Q: What probably caused the man’s stomachache
分析:这是一道细节列举题,女人首先提出了一个问题,你感觉不舒服吗?是不是感冒了。男人首先回答“no”, 也就是说没有感冒,则D项可以排除。接着是一个强转折“but”
没有感冒但是胃痛。然后说明原因:Maybe the sea food doesn’t agree with me。故答案应该是 C 。 这里“not agree with”是一种比较形象的说法,其实意思就是说可能是海鲜让我不太适应。

W: What’s the matter with Mary?
M: She becomes nervous whenever it comes to learning mathematics
Q: What do we learn from the conversation
分析:这里有一组明显的对立选项 B 和 D 一个说Mary 数学好,另一个则说她数学差。出现对立项则答案很可能是其中之一,那么我们来听对话Mary 数学到底是好还是不好的呢?这里虽关键的一个词是“nervous” 紧张,不安。男人说Mary只要一学数学就会变得紧张不安。那么很显然数学是不怎么样,故选D。 嘻嘻,其实在四级对话中女孩子除了“数理化”外功课都是很好得。Ok,除了nervous 以外还有一些单词和词组也表示紧张,不安,害怕请大家一起记一下吧:tremble / shake all over / get one’s tongue tied / have one’s mind go blank ,最后加上今天的nervous

M: I wish I could see George here
W: He was planning to come but a moment ago his wife called to say that he had to take his father to the hospital.
Q: Who was ill
答案: C
分析:这体还是比较简单的吧,比较具有迷惑性的可能也就是 D选项,但他的wife说的事his father 而非 her father,所以是C而不是D。另外讲一个词 planned to 这是一个隐含转折的词,原计划如何如何,也就意味着现在不如何如何。当然这题后面跟了一个“but”来表示转折。如果遇到他后面不跟but这样的转折词,我们也因该要能够判断出他的言下之意。他和我们第一期的 used to 一样,一旦遇到意思取反。

W: I need a car this weekends , but mine has broken down
M: I’m sorry to hear it but you can always rent one if you have a license
Q: What does the man mean?
分析:这道题根据选项我们知道是关于借车的事情,而且A D是一组对立项,一个是借,一个是不借。嘻嘻,悄悄说一个技巧四级短对话中借车十之八九都是借不到的。Ok,技巧在你没听懂的时候也许可以帮你蒙题,但我们还是应该把注意力集中在题目上哦。看看这段对话,女人说周末要用车但车子坏了(break down )言下之意要问男人借车。男人先是深表同情接着又是一个强转折“but”然后建议女人去 rent one (租一辆) ,言下之意他是不借滴。所以选D。 那个B选项可能也有一定迷惑性,但这个租一辆和问其他人借是不一样的概念。rent这个词大家不认识的话一定记一下,租房,租车,租家具都是这个词蛮有用的。

W: Did you go to the football match last Saturday
M: Oh , yes, It was supposed to start at 02:30 but it was delayed fifteen minutes
Q: When did the football match start
分析:这是一道时间推段题,这种题目没什么技巧,尽量记下些有用的信息。记下听到的时间02:30 再加上delay 得15 minutes 比赛开始的时间应该是02:45 所以答案是B


see a doctor 去医院看医生 send for a doctor 让医生出诊
health center / clinic 卫生所 / 门诊部
physician 内科医生 surgeon 外科医生 dentist 牙医
make an appointment 预约
emergency 急诊
check up / exam 检查
cold(感冒)—— flu (流感) —— headache (头痛)—— sore throat(嗓子痛)—— fever(发烧)—— toothache(牙疼) —— stomachache (胃疼)
prescribe 开药方
pill / tablet 药片 liquid 喝药水 injection => shot 注射 operation 手术
medical result 诊断结果[/replyview]

