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For the third year in a row, I spoke up at Facebook’s meticulously orchestrated shareholder meeting, which was held late last month.


My firm, Arjuna Capital, has been leading a long-term campaign to press 20 of the largest US companies, including nine leading US tech firms, to address the gender pay gap.

长期以来我所在的公司Arjuna Capital一直在推进一项运动,敦促美国最大的20家公司(包括美国领先的9家科技公司)解决性别薪酬差异问题。

We have $250 million under management and we are engaging with Facebook in partnership with much larger investors, including the New York and Illinois state pension funds. Other companies take our concerns seriously and have spoken to me at length.

Arjuna Capital管理着2.5亿美元的资产,我们正与纽约州和伊利诺伊州养老基金等规模更大的投资者合作,与Facebook进行交涉。其他公司认真对待我们的关切,最终都与我进行了谈话。

Facebook is the only one that has not. In fact, of the dozens of companies I have dealt with over a decade of promoting sustainable investment, Facebook is the first to give me the cold shoulder.


So I took the opportunity at the meeting to express investor concerns not only about the company’s gender pay gap, but also its failure to address the problems of fake news, the prevalence of hate speech and sexism on its platforms and efforts to interfere with elections. During the question and answer session, I asked why the company was failing to respond to its investors.


Top executives, including founder Mark Zuckerberg, declined to respond to my public comments, but I was asked to speak privately to Elliot Schrage, Facebook’s vice-president of communications, after the meeting.

包括Facebook创始人马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)在内,Facebook的多名高管拒绝回应我的公开言论,但有人要求我在会后与Facebook负责沟通事务的副总裁埃利奥特施拉格(Elliot Schrage) 私下交谈。

He told me that the company was not engaging with me because I’m “not nice”.


Facebook already has a history of dismissing the views of its independent shareholders. Its complex share structure gives Mr Zuckerberg 53 per cent of the votes, even though he only owns 14 per cent of the company.
