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104岁澳洲科学家瑞士安乐死 背后原因发人深思

David Goodall has fulfilled his final wish and taken his life through assisted suicide in a Swiss clinic, in a powerful statement in favour of voluntary euthanasia.


The story of the 104-year-old Perth academic, who is one of the first Australians to undertake the procedure due to old age rather than a terminal illness, has attracted international headlines and further inflamed a highly divisive debate.


His supporters applauded his decision to take charge of his fate after declaring his life was no longer worth living. But critics warned his decision to end his life solely on the grounds of old age set a dangerous precedent.


The Perth great-grandfather departed Australia on Wednesday last week and spent time with family in Bordeaux, France, over the weekend, before travelling to the town of Basel in Switzerland, where assisted dying is legal. He was greeted at the Swiss airport on Monday by euthanasia advocate Philip Nitschke.

上周,曾祖父从珀斯离开澳大利亚,周末在法国波尔多与家人共度最后的时光,然后前往瑞士巴塞尔城,在那里医助安乐死是合法的。周一,安乐死倡导者Philip Nitschke在瑞士机场接待了他。

Ahead of his death, Dr Goodall said he resented having to travel so far to carry out his plan, but was relieved the end was near. "My recent life has not been enjoyable," he said. "I am glad to arrive [in Basel]. I’ll be even more pleased when further steps of my journey are completed. "I have been able to say goodbye. I was a bit sorry to say goodbye to my family in Bordeaux but that’s the way it was."
