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This is AP News Minute.

The number of Americans applying for unemployment benefits rose again last week to 885,000 - the highest weekly total since September. A spike in virus cases threatens the economy's recovery from its springtime collapse.

More than 300 schoolboys abducted last week by armed men in northwestern Nigeria have been released and handed over to security forces, the state's governor said via Nigerian State TV. News of the release came shortly after Boko Haram jihadist rebels released a video of the schoolboys Thursday.

French President Emmanuel Macron went ahead with a planned speech by videoconference Thursday, shortly after testing positive for the coronavirus. Macron, who recently met with numerous European leaders, is self-isolating. The French and Spanish prime ministers are among many top officials in quarantine.

The Northeastern U.S. is digging out after a whopper of a storm buried some areas under more than 3 feet of snow Thursday. The first major snowstorm of the season set records in some areas, including New York City, which saw more snow from this storm than it did all last winter.
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