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This is AP News Minute.
A very small, limited number of people circled Islam's holiest site in Mecca on Sunday after Saudi Arabia lifted coronavirus restrictions that had been in place for months. The worshippers donned the white terrycloth garment symbolic of the Muslim pilgrimage.
Pope Francis released his third encyclical on Sunday, a document entitled 'Fratelli tutti'(All Brothers). The Pope urged his followers to focus on the need for greater solidarity with the poor, dialogue with others and care for God's creation. Vatican encyclicals are the most authoritative form of papal teaching.

And pet lovers in Manila received blessings for their animals via a drive-through ceremony on Sunday to celebrate the feast of Saint Francis, the patron saint of animals. Arow of vehicles lined up outside a mall in Manila as pet owners patiently waited for their turn to drive forward to have a priest sprinkle holy water on their mostly canine companions.
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