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This is AP News Minute.
A Star of David-adorned EI AI plane flew from Israel to the United Arab Emirates on Monday, carrying a high-ranking American and Israeli delegation to Abu Dhabi in the first-ever direct commercial passenger flight between the two countries.

A new mass grave discovered in Syria's Raqqa is believed to contain the bodies of victims of the Islamic State group. The majority of the victims are women, most of whom were killed in field executions by stoning, gunfire, or beheading.
Joe Biden is in Pittsburgh today, where he's expected to say President Donald Trump is contributing to the violence in the streets nationwide. A man was fatally shot after supporters of Trump clashed with left-wing protesters on the streets of Portland, Oregon.
And wildlife rangers have trapped a 14-and-a-half-foot saltwater crocodile at a tourist destination in Australia's Northern Territory, the biggest caught in the area in years. The 750-pound croc had been taken to a crocodile farm to become part of a breeding program.
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