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This is AP News Minute.
Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison has announced new charges against police officers in the death of George Floyd while in police custody. The main suspect, Derek Chauvin, is now being charged with 2nd degree murder, and the 3 other officers at the scene face charges of aiding and abetting murder.
Defense Secretary Mark Esper broke with president Donald Trump over using active duty military forces to deal with unrest over the death of George Floyd and police brutality. Esper said active duty troops in a law enforcement role should be used "only in the most urgent and dire situations," adding "we are not in one of those situations now."

Former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein is defending his decision to appoint a special counsel to scrutinize ties between Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign and Russia. He told Senate lawmakers he thought appointing Robert Mueller was the best way to complete the probe and ensure public confidence in its conclusions.
Florence's world famous museum, the Uffizi Galleries, has opened its doors again to the public after nearly three months of lockdown due to the coronavirus. The museum has new safety measures, including thermo scanners to measure the temperature of visitors, anti-bacterial gel and floor markings to indicate safe social distancing.
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