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This is AP News Minute.
Ambassador Gordon Sondland told House impeachment investigators that he worked with Rudy Guiliani on Ukraine at the 'express direction' of President Trump. He said he pushed for a quid pro quo with Kyiv because Trump wanted it. President Trump is insisting that he wanted nothing from Ukraine and impeachment hearings should brought to an end. Trump read from handwritten notes while speaking to reporters on the White House lawn and did not take questions.

Britian's Prince Andrew says he has permission from the Queen that step back from public duties because of his association with links to the late convicted sex offender Jeffery Epstein. In the statement, Andrew said it had become a distraction from the Royal family's charitable work.
A New York lawmaker is proposing a ban on tackle football for kids age 12 and under. Democratic Assemblyman Michael Benedetto says tackle football poses a danger to developing brains. He expected lawmakers to consider the ban when they returning in January. 
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