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华尔街中级英语学习教程第7课:打电话和会面Act1 (MP3和文本下载)

MARCO: Come in!

MARCO: Oh hello, Mary! I wasn't expecting you. What a surprise to see you, and, er…

MARY: I was just passing, so I thought I'd say “Hi”, and introduce you to my new boyfriend, Bashir.

MARCO: How do you do, Bashir?

MARY: Marco's an old friend of mine, Bashir.

BASHIR: Oh yeah?

MARCO: That's right. We’re friends - just friends!

MARY: Bashir's a real he-man, isn't he?

MARCO: Oh, yes. Definitely!

MARCO: Oh, there's the phone! I'll just go and answer it.

MARY: It's alright Marco, I'll get it. You two men can have a little chat together.

MARCO: Er… have you and Mary been going out together for long?

BASHIR: What's it got to do with you?

MARCO: Oh, nothing at all! I wonder if that phone call's for me. I've been expecting someone to call.

MARY: Hello!

BASHIR: You like Mary, do you?

MARCO: Oh, yes. I like her very much.

BASHIR: Then you'd better be careful! Is that clear?

MARCO: Oh yes, perfectly clear! I mean - I like Mary, but not in that way, really!

MARY: There's someone for you on the phone, Marco. I think it's that German woman.

MARCO: Thanks, Mary! Oh, if you want a drink or anything, just help yourself.

MARCO: Hello, is that Kristi?

KRISTI: Yes! Hello, Marco! Was that Mary who answered the phone, by the way?

MARCO: Yes, but don't get the wrong idea, Kristi. She's just been visiting someone in the hostel, that's all, and she just happened to -

KRISTI: It's alright, Marco, relax! Look, I've got some good news. I've found an apartment at last - it was advertised in the evening paper - and I've moved out of that awful hotel. And I'd like to invite you over to dinner tomorrow evening, to celebrate.

MARCO: Oh! Er… is that a good idea?

KRISTI: What do you mean: “is that a good idea?” That's not a very polite thing to say When you're invited to dinner by a lady.

MARCO: I'm sorry, Kristi, but things didn't go all that well last time, did they? My best suit was stolen and I was attacked by two policemen! And the first time there were those terrible Americans, weren't there?

KRISTI: Ah, but you know the English saying: “Third time lucky”. And anyway, there's nothing to worry about this time. Look, I've only been living in this apartment for a few days. I haven't even given the address to anyone at work yet. So what can possibly go wrong?

MARCO: Nothing. I suppose.

KRISTI: Of course not. So I'll give you the address, then: it's Apartment 3B, Truleigh Court, 11 Church Street.

MARCO: I'm sure I've heard that address before.

KRISTI: I'll tell you how to get there: take the subway to Clinton Park, and as you go out of the station there's a busstop on your left. Get the 192A, and ask for the stop after the pharmacy. Then you cross the road, take the second left. Then...

MARCO: It's alright, Kristi, I remember how to get there. I went to a party there once; it was given by my English teacher's father.

KRISTI: Oh, really, I was at that party too! It's a small world, isn't it?

MARCO: Yes, it is. The party ended in a terrible fight, if you remember.

KRISTI: So it did. Well, never mind. I'll see you tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock, Marco.

MARCO: See you, Kristi! And thanks for inviting me.

BUS DRIVER: This is your stop, son!

MARCO: Thanks.

MARCO: Is it left or right here? Excuse me, could you tell me the way to Church Street, please?

OLD LADY: Going to Church Street, are you, young man?

MARCO: Yes, I am.

OLD LADY: Go up to the traffic lights, turn right, and then take the first turn on the left. That's the way to go - if you want to get to Church Street.

MARCO: Thank you.

KRISTI: Coming!

KRISTI: Hello, Marco! Did you have to walk up the stairs?

MARCO: Yes, the elevator was out of order.

KRISTI: It's always out of order, that elevator. It was repaired last week, and then it broke down again the day after. It obviously wasn't made in Germany. Well, come in!

KRISTI: Make yourself comfortable. I'll put on a nice CD.

KRISTI: I'm afraid there isn't much furniture, as you can see.

MARCO: I've brought a bottle of wine, by the way. Should I open it?

KRISTI: No, don’t bother, we can drink it later. I've got one here that's already open.

KRISTI: Well, bottoms up, Marco!

MARCO: Bottoms?

KRISTI: No, bottoms up! It's an expression in English; it's used when people drink together. It's like saying: Cheers!

MARCO: Oh, that's interesting!

KRISTI: Marco, what's the matter? I've really been looking forward to a nice evening together. I've even cooked a meal, which is something I don't often do, believe me. Can't you just let yourself go, and have fun?

MARCO: I'm sorry, Kristi, it's just that I've got this feeling.

KRISTI: What feeling?

MARCO: I'm just certain that something terrible is going to happen. I can feel it.

KRISTI: Oh, can you?

MARCO: It's the same with the weather, you know. I always know when it's going to rain, or snow.

KRISTI: Is that so? Look, Marco, here we are, the two of us, alive and well. Why don't we just have a meal, drink some wine, and enjoy ourselves. Come on, dinner's ready!

MARCO: That meal really was delicious, Kristi. You're a very good cook.

KRISTI: I don't cook that often, but I am quite good at it, yes.

MARCO: I'm sure it's not the only thing you're good at.

KRISTI: I'm sorry about the apartment being so uncomfortable and empty, by the way, but I’m glad to say I do have a bed at least...

MARCO: It’s a strange place, I must say, with this dark brown ceiling and light brown walls.

KRISTI: They're not light brown, they're just dirty! I should think this apartment was last cleaned about 20 years ago.

MARCO: Terrible, isn't it?

KRISTI: Whoever lived here before was obviously an absolute pig!

JOHN: Oh, well, that's the last of the brandy! Oops! Never mind, there's plenty of whisky! Trouble is, it's pretty darned boring here! The drink's fine, but my TV doesn't work, and Hugo's taken all his magazines and his stereo away with him.

JOHN: Where's that music coming from? Gee, it’s next door! Someone's moved into my old apartment! I can go and see if my magazines are still there!

JOHN: Hello!

MARCO: Oh, no! Who's that?

KRISTI: I'm not expecting anyone.

JOHN: Can I come in, please?

MARCO: Aaagh! Who’s that?

JOHN: Hi there! I heard the music, and I thought - Hey, it’s Kristi! Gee, how are you, Kristi?

KRISTI: Oh my God, it's you!

JOHN: Oh good; you remember me, then!

MARCO: Help! Please don't hurt me! Look, you can have my watch; it's a very good one, it was given to me by my grandfather.

JOHN: What's your friend talking about? Is he alright?

KRISTI: Marco, please! This man isn't dangerous, and he isn't a policeman. There's nothing to be afraid of.

MARCO: If you're sure, Kristi.

KRISTI: Now what are you doing here, John? How did you find out that I lived here?

JOHN: So you live here now, do you? Well, well, well! This used to be my apartment, until I was thrown out for not paying the rent. Isn't it a small world?

KRISTI: So they say. But what have you come here for?

JOHN: I live next door, you see: well, that's where I'm staying, anyway. Hey, do you remember that evening when we went to “Burger ‘n’ Bass”? It was lots of fun, wasn't it? Would you like to go there again? Well, maybe not. Maybe we could go someplace else, like -

KRISTI: Whatever it is you've come to get, could you take it and go, please?

JOHN: I'm sorry, Kristi. It's just some magazines I left behind, that's all.

KRISTI: Oh, those awful magazines are yours, are they? I almost threw them out this morning. They're in the bedroom, in the closet. Take them away, please!


OBI: Come on! Open up! We know you’re there!

KRISTI: I think there's someone knocking on your door.

JOHN: I'm in here! I'll only be a minute.

OBI: Did you hear that? He's in there! Come on!

OBI: There he is! Let's get him!

MARCO: What? Help! Who are you? Aargh! Put me down! Aargh!

OBI: This one is from the Boss!

MARCO: Aargh! What Boss?

MASU: Very funny!

MARCO: Aargh!

KRISTI: What are you doing? Who are you? Stop it!

MASU: Hey, what about this woman?

OBI: The Boss didn't say anything about a woman; he just said we should get rid of Hugo Peters.

MASU: Alright!

MARCO: I'm not Hugo Peters! Aargh!

MASU: What?

OBI: He says he isn't Hugo Peters!

MASU: Ah, so! Why not?

JOHN: Er… Hugo used to live next door.

OBI: But where is he now?

JOHN: I don’t know, I’m afraid.