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英语专业四级听力听写训练 第90期:不同种类的经济援助 Different Kinds of Financial Aid

Different Kinds of Financial Aid不同种类的经济援助

American universities offer many different kinds of financial aid to students,including assistantships, grants, scholarships and fellowships.美国大学给学生提供各种经济援助,包括研究生助教奖学金,政府补助金,奖学金和学术奖学金等。

An assistantship is a job a student does.助教奖学金是学生做的工作。

In exchange, the student receives money or attends classes for free.学生会收到钱或者免费上课。

Graduate students usually get assistantships.研究生通常会得到助教奖学金。

They may teach classes, help grade papers and tests, or do research in a laboratory.研究生可以通过授课,评改论文,试卷或在实验室做研究获得研究生助教奖学金。

A grant is a gift of money to pay for some or all of the costs of college.给予拨款是支付部分或全部大学学费的礼物。

Unlike loans, grants do not have to be repaid.不像贷款、赠款也不需偿还。

Private groups or organizations generally give grants to students who need the money.政府补助金一般是私营集团或机构给贫困生提供的补助,支付其部分或全部的在校花销,

Scholarships and fellowships also do not have to be repaid.且受资助学术无需偿还。

A scholarship is financial aid to undergraduate students;a fellowship is the same kind of aid for graduate students.奖学金和学术奖学金分别面向大学本科生和研究生,

Generally, scholarships and fellowships go to students with special abilities or athletic skills.一般用于奖励那些具有特殊才能或体育特长的学生。

Some scholarships are based on financial need.Others go to students who live in a certain area.有些奖学金的办法会基于学生的家庭经济状况或学生所处的地域。