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英语四级标准听力强化训练(MP3+文本) 第48期:听写(3)


The job of raising children is a tough one. /Due to each child's difference in character, /parents sometimes I pull their hair out in frustration,/not knowing what to do. /To raise children, a parent should need patience, love,wisdom,courage and a good sense of humor. /To Americans, the goal of parents is to help children stand on their own two feet. /From infancy, each child may get his or her own room. /As children grow, they gain more freedom/to make their own choices. /Teenagers choose their own forms of entertainment,as well as the friends to share them with. /When they reach young adulthood, / they choose their own careers and marriage partners. / American parents try to treat their children as individuals./They allow them to fulfill their own dreams. /Americans praise and encourage their children to succeed. /When children become adults,/their relationship with their parents becomes more like a friendship among equals. /Even as adults, they respect and honor their parents.


entertainment n.娱乐,消遣

frustration n.挫折,阻烧

fulfill v. 履行;达到(目的)

individual n.个人,个体

infancy n.婴儿期

pull one's hair out 伤透脑筋

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