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英语四级标准听力强化训练(MP3+文本) 第47期:听写(2)


Choosing a College in America During the last school year/ more than 671,000 foreign students attended an American college. /Many international students choose large schools. /The Institute of International Education explains the reason. /First of all, many big schools are widely recognized./And in some cases/that might lead to more job interviews than a degree from a lesser known college. /Larger schools also have more money. /This can mean more resources for education, recreation and research. /In addition to size, considering the following issues,/foreign students usually find that/larger schools offer them a better opportunity to bring out the best. /For example, large schools have stronger programs in the sciences or in the liberal arts. /Also, their top students do have better job prospects./Large schools offer various activities to enrich the educational experience, /and they offer comprehensive services for international students.


comprehensive a.全面的,广泛的,综合的

recreation n.消遣,娱乐

prospect n.希望,前景

interview n.会谈;面试

bring out 使显出,推出

recognize v.承认;识别

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