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Apple introduces iPhone with 5G

Competition in China's high-end smartphone market is set to intensify with the arrival of the 5G-enabled iPhone 12 from Apple Inc, as domestic companies may unveil more feature-packed models to attract consumers, experts said.
专家称,随着美国科技巨头苹果公司发布5G手机iPhone 12,我国高端智能手机市场的竞争预计将白热化,国内厂家可能推出更多多功能机型来吸引消费者。

Though the US tech giant has been a relatively late entrant in the 5G-enabled phone market, some tech-savvy Chinese consumers may upgrade to the new iPhones, which enable data flow at faster speeds and offer smoother experiences for gaming enthusiasts and those watching streaming videos, they said.

"The new iPhones will increase the share of high-end phones in the overall smartphone market," said Wang Xi, research manager at global market consultancy IDC.

IDC estimates that about 240 million 5G-enabled smartphones would be shipped this year, with the Chinese market alone accounting for more than 160 million units, or 67.7% of the total.