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  作者:恒星英语学习网     所属分类:L开头的英语单词     

luteal 是什么意思


of or relating to the corpus luteum


1.Inhibition of steroidogenesis and induction of apoptosis in rat luteal cells by cell - permeable ceramide in vitro

2.Single method has been applied to the diagnosis of ovulation and luteal function sound is not enough , but for other ovarian function reference

3.Body odor was collected during three phases : menstrual at the beginning ; follicular between the first day of menstruation and the onset of ovulation ; and luteal the fertile stage

4.Chiu , c . h . , i . c . guo , and l . s . wu . 2000 . effects of steroid hormones on progesterone secretion and apoptosis of caprine luteal cell line . j . chin . soc . anim . sci . 29 [ suppl . ] : 178
费轸尹、邱智贤、陈家真、吴两新、郭应诚。 2001 。抗牛、猪与山羊之3羟基类固醇去氢酵素多株抗体的制备。中国畜牧学会会志, 30 ( 4 ) : 198 。

5.Havlieek ' s team found that facial images of women in the follicular phase when the dominant ovarian follicle is getting ready to ovulate are considered more attractive as compared to images taken in the luteal or fertile phase of the cycle

6.The luteal phase was supported with progest - eron in two sets . pregenancy was defined as a positive hcg test in urine on day 14 post transfer after embryo transfer . clinical pregnancy was defined as the presence of a gestational sac ( s ) with a viable embryo shown on vaginal ultrasonography performed approximately 28 days after embryo transfer
两组均采用黄体酮进行黄体支持,移植后14天检测晨尿hcg及血p - hcg ,晨尿hcg阳性,血p一hcg 200miu / l ,移植48天后进行: b超检查,见胎囊,胎心,为临床妊娠,所有患者随访至妊娠10周。

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