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intermedia 是什么意思


intermedium 的复数。
Intermedia was a concept employed in the mid-sixties by Fluxus artist Dick Higgins to describe the often confusing, inter-disciplinary activities that occur between genres that became prevalent in the 1960s. Thus, the areas such as those between drawing and poetry, or between painting and theatre could be described as intermedia.


1.In humans, the pars intermedia is a rudimentary region .

2.Stria olfactoria intermedia

3.Effect of pollen irradiation on hybridization of wheat and eltrigia intermedia and their embryo development

4.Carolyn moynihan is deputy editor of mercatornet . she attended the congress courtesy of intermedia

5.A study on transpiration characteristics of main shrubs caragana intermedia , salix psammophyla , hedysarum mongolicum , hippophae rhamnoides in zhungeer hill region

6.Vivi bong is a year 2 student in intermedia ( associate of arts in media technology ) at the school of creative media , the city university of hong kong

7.The identities of five traditionally confused species , e . regeliana , e . sinica , e . distachya , e . intermedia and e . glauca are elaborated
Distachya )等种类鉴定中混乱的问题,并描述了一个新种? ?日土麻黄( ephedrarituensisy yang , d

8.Gabbie y . l . chiu / venda n . c . lee / k . c . yip : graduated from the school of creative media , city university of hong kong ( majoring in critical intermedia laboratory )
赵绮铃/李雅颂/叶启俊:毕业于香港城市大学创意媒体学院(跨媒体批判实验室主修生) 。

9.The kaolinite / acetate intercalation composites prepared by means mentioned in this paper can use as the intermedia for preparation of kaolinite / polymer nanocomposites directly

10.Using trigonella sapagenin to synthesize 16 - dehydio piegnenolone acetate , progesterone , hydrocortisone , prosterone acetate and other steroid medical intermedia , steroid medicine for substitutive cure of women in menopause

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