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  作者:恒星英语学习网     所属分类:I开头的英语单词     

indusium 是什么意思


(pl. -sia )
a membrane enclosing and protecting the developing spores especially that covering the sori of a fern


1.Sori borne near the costule , indusium spherical , membranous

2.Sori hemispheroid , in 2 - 3 series on each side along the costules , without indusium
孢子囊群圆形,沿中脉两侧各排成2 - 3行,无囊群盖。

3.Sori 1 - 5 pairs borne on the lower surface of ultimate lobes at the end of basal veins ; indusium dehiscent in two equal halves when mature
孢子囊群1 - 5对,生于末回裂片下面近基部小脉顶端;囊群盖成熟时对开2裂。

4.Indusium the flap of tissue , derived from the placenta , that encloses the developing sporangia in the sorus of a fern

5.Our company mainly sells fpc base materials ( indusium , rubber latex and pi doily ) , whose quality and technologyis competitive . professional after - sale service staff is organized as well , which provides the clients with complete technique support as a strong backup force for the quality of the products . the products sold by our company has , in a short term , been accepted and appreciated by its famous counterparts
公司主要销售fpc基材(覆盖膜、纯胶膜、 pi补强片) ,公司产品品质优异,技术力量雄厚,并配有专业的售后服务团队;将为您提供完善的技术支持,是您品质保证的强有力后盾,公司所销售的产品在短时间内得到了业界知名企业的认可与赞同。

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