
Yoga Your Way To A Happy Vacation

Source:    2008-05-20   English BBS   Favorite  

yoga Your Way To A Happy Vacation

There have been many studies into holiday stress. Sadly, those studies show that such stress does exist; that summer vacation can actually prove more stressful than the rest of the year. It is ironic that millions of people dream all year of that escape from the daily grind, only to transport that daily grind to other locations. Delayed flights at the airport; hotel rooms with a view of a builders yard; cold food that should have been hot; mosquitoes who pay you much more attention than the waiter and hotel manager. All examples of possible stress factors.

If you think about it, that is not surprising. Remember as a child when you first learnt to ride a bike? You were taught not to ride as fast as you can and then slam on the front brake? Stop too suddenly, and you will go flying over the handlebars; breaking hard and late at a crossroads could send you not only over the handlebars, but into the flow of traffic coming across. That sounds very risky and dangerous. So what were you taught to do? Anticipate the crossroads and apply the brakes slowly, in advance. Come to a gentle stop so that you can proceed, fully aware of the hazards.

Now compare that scenario with your hectic, stress filled life much of the year. Frantic pace, a constant succession of agitation and frustrations, pressures to meet deadlines, achieve quotas or whatever might be key to your job. Does that sound like your year? Throw in daily traffic jams, noisy traffic, crowded commuter trains and a succession of colds and flu in the winter, and millions of stressed out agitated people around you, and you become a stress-bike, hurtling towards that crossroads at top speed.

The day comes when you set off on your vacation. Can you really expect to slam on the brakes then and expect the year's stress to come smoothly to a halt, so that you can enjoy your vacation in a 100% relaxed mode? It really is no wonder that many people go hurtling into their holidays still in stress mode.

Now, take a step back. Think again of learning to ride a bike and apply the brakes slowly. You are doing two things: 1. anticipating a given fact, the approaching crossroads, and 2. trying to avoid falling off the bike, or in other words avoid a likely hazardous event.

Applying The Brakes To Your Stress Bike With yoga and meditation

The use of meditation before your vacation can help you to apply the brakes to your stress bike. In a state of calmness and relaxation, visualize all of the most likely stress inducing events that may spoil your holiday. Then, visualize yourself dealing with those events in a calm and relaxed way; not as you would the rest of the year. Do not forget, that knee-jerk stress is going to be left behind when you go on vacation.

If you do that regularly for the month leading up to your annual vacation, then you should be better prepared. You have already started to apply the stress-bike brakes well before the crossroads ie the vacation itself. Regular yoga exercises in the same period will also assist you in your preparation. You will be determined to have a relaxed holiday, regardless of what stress potential may be thrown at you.

Using yoga During The Vacation Itself

You are now better prepared for the reality of your vacation, but when it comes along you will still be attacked by stress factors which could, if you allow them to, ruin a very lovely vacation. Holiday stress is real and it can seriously upset the enjoyment of your much needed vacation. You may face many situations where you could get angry during your holiday: poor service in restaurants and hotels, inclement weather, crowded beaches with all the sun loungers taken, noisy tourists keeping you awake all night; these are just a few examples.


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