
轻松英语口语会话 今晚好戏在后头(mp3+lrc字幕)

Source: 恒星英语学习网  Onion  2009-08-19  我要投稿   论坛   Favorite  
[00:00.00]What's on tonight?
[00:01.76]Adam and his wife are working in China.They are in their apartment provided by Adam's company.
[00:08.14]Adam: I'm tired ,I hope there are some interesting  shows on TV tonight.
[00:12.74]Mars.Adam: Hand me the television program section of the newspaper.I'll see what's on.
[00:18.11]Here's a review of some of the prime-time shows of the English Channels.
[00:22.86]Adam: Prime-time?What does that mean?
[00:25.13]Mrs.Adam: In television jargon it means a three-hour period during the evening when the best shows are on.
[00:31.97]usually from seven to ten o'clock or eight to eleven,
[00:36.29]Adam: I guess that's when the largest audience is available to watch ,
[00:40.28]When people are home from work.What's on tonight?
[00:44.06]Mrs.Adam: This review recommends and old classic movie .
[00:47.70]Another channel has a football game.and the other channels have sitcoms.
[00:53.17]Except for the game it seems everything tonight is a rerun.
[00:57.35]I guess summer isn't the season for first-run shows or movies.
[01:01.81]Adam: As you know ,I'm not much of a sports fan. Are there any news shows ou talk shows on?
[01:07.68]Mrs.Adam: Let's see. The news is on from six to seven o'clock and again at eleven.
[01:13.51]It looks  as though the talk shows are all on late.
[01:17.11]The first one,Late Show With David Letterman.begins at eleven-thirty.
[01:19.81]第一个,由David Letterman主持的节目在11点半。
[01:22.51]Adam: Too bad ,After this long ,tiring day, I'll probably be asleep by ten-thirty.
[01:28.67]But let's turn the TV on anyway.Maybe something will hold our attention.
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