

Source: 互联网    2020-12-10  我要投稿   论坛   Favorite  



  People today are too often bombarded with various advertisements on television, in newspapers or on the running buses or subways, a large proportion of which are children targeted. Some people claim that they should be prohibited because of the possible negative influence they might generate. However, I tend to have a different viewpoint.


  Some people may point out that too much exposure to advertisings imposes too much stress on children as well as their parents. The advertisers usually have a deep insight into children's psychology and behavior which are taken advantage of in their advertisings to make their products, whether a toy, a snack or some other goods, more appealing to the young minds. As a result, the innocent young are very likely to fall prey to the predators and ask their parents to buy whatever is advertised, regardless of the price and the function.


  However, advertisers themselves hardly agree with these arguments, claiming that the advertisements are full of useful information. This is true to a certain extent. In some cases, parents tend to choose the right quality products according to what a commercial introduces, especially after careful comparison. Nevertheless, in some others, quite the reverse is true. That is to say that the information in a commercial is far from helpful, but rather harmful, since almost all kinds of advertisings exaggerate their merits but conceal their demerits.


  Overall, I believe that advertisings marketed towards children should be strictly examined and controlled by the related authorities because children are the disadvantaged group of people and prone to any tricks and deceits. But it is too much to put a ban on them.


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