

Source: 恒星英语学习网    2012-09-05  我要投稿   论坛   Favorite  
[00:00.00]恒星英语学习网 Food Cultures
[00:17.08]Food cultures
[00:21.58]1 How much do you know about foods around the world?
[00:27.06] Make a list of countries and foods.
[01:33.39]Food cultures
[01:35.79]My name is Tony. I'm from England, and I teach English in China.
[01:41.90]A friend from England wrote me recently.
[01:45.82]She said she had been to a restaurant.
[01:54.65]I noticed she said "I ate..." not "we ate...".
[02:01.90]我注意到她说:“我吃...” 不是“我们吃...”。
[02:09.15]It made me think about differences in food cultures between China
[02:15.58]and western countries.
[04:15.29]In England, your food is brought to you on your own plate.
[04:29.61]Your usually eat it yourself.
[04:34.21]Ordering the wrong thing can be a problem.
[05:22.53]For example, something might sound nice on the menu.
[05:36.54]When it comes to your table,
[05:39.07]you might find the combination of flavors is wrong,
[05:43.38]you don't like it, or isn't what you wanted.
[06:03.91]Yet what you ordered is yours and you have to do your best to eat it.
[06:16.84]Here in China the question is not "What will I have?"
[06:24.18]It is rather "What will we have?"
[07:08.10]在中国问题不是“我吃什么?”, 而是“我们吃什么?”。
[07:52.03]Friends order food to share, not to eat separately.
[08:09.35]My friends know what I like to eat.
[08:12.35]If I don't like what they order,
[08:15.25]it isn't a problem because there are other dishes I can choose from.
[09:12.09]The meal is not for one, but for many to enjoy.
[09:23.19]I remember
[09:26.20]when I took two Chinese friends who had just arrived in England out to eat.
[09:41.43]We had lunch at a village inn where the food was very good.
[10:04.18]They wanted to share each dish.
[10:14.50]If we had been in China, we could have done so,
[10:19.80]but in England it isn't polite to eat from each other's plate.
[12:02.44]Also different flavors may not go well together.
[12:27.33]In England, restaurant menus often describe food like it's something new.
[12:51.83]Sometimes the name and appearance of food is more important than how good it is.
[13:18.48]In China, it's my feeling that a dish is a dish.
[13:31.77]It comes just as it is.
[13:40.68]It is a combination of ingredients cooked in a special way.
[13:45.54]What you see is what you get.
[14:09.84]My English friends think that I now prefer the Chinese way of eating.
[14:24.88]They say that I am "going native".
[15:18.51]Perhaps they are right!
[16:41.40]2 Look at the sentences below.
[16:47.64]Cheek( )the sentence that is the main idea of each paragraph.

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