
初中英语广州版5A 01

Source: 恒星英语学习网    2012-08-27  我要投稿   论坛   Favorite  
[00:00.00]恒星英语学习网 Unit 1
[00:01.78]Lesson 1
[00:03.34]business  n.
[00:05.69]one day
[00:09.22]shy   adj.
[00:13.77]interested   adj.
[00:16.64]be interested in
[00:19.70]skill   n.
[00:23.04]advantage   n.
[00:26.70]disadvantage   n.
[00:30.07]such as
[00:32.21]science   n.
[00:34.87]importantly   adv.
[00:37.02]magazine   n.
[00:39.97]1.The students are in the playground.
[00:44.93]They are waiting for the new term to begain.
[00:48.09]Listen to the conversation and correct the sentences on page
[00:52.45]Mr Zhang:Hello,Sally.Hello,Lingshi.
[00:55.41]Welcome back to school.
[00:57.36]Sally&Lingshi:Hello,Mr Zhang!
[00:58.91]I saw you at the race yesterday.Lingshi.
[01:01.99]Who were you with?
[01:03.66]I think I've met him before.
[01:05.70]That was my Uncle Ming.He's a reporter.
[01:08.57]Oh,really?My wife's a reporter,too.
[01:12.65]Where does your uncle work?
[01:14.68]Lingshi:He's business reporter
[01:16.43]on the Yangcheng Evening News.
[01:19.39]Sally:Would you like to be a reporter,Lingshi?
[01:22.55]Lingshi:No.I'd like to be a doctor or a teacher.
[01:26.31]Mr Zhang:I wanted to be a doctor,but I like teaching.
[01:30.07]Working with young people is always interesting.
[01:33.13]Sally,what would you like to be?
[01:36.00]Sally:I'm good at reading and writing
[01:38.95]so I'd like to be a reporter.
[01:40.91]Lingshi:You should talk to my Uncle Ming.
[01:43.26]Mr Zhang:Could your uncle talk to our class one day?
[01:46.74]Lingshi:I'll ask him.
[01:48.38]Good,and I'll write a note to the principal.
[01:51.93]3.1Now listen to Lingshi's uncle
[01:58.10]and number his notes in the right order.
[02:00.87]Do you want to be a reportar?
[02:03.32]If you do,you need to have many skills.
[02:07.16]Of course,you should be able to write the well,
[02:10.93]but you must know how to speak well and listen well,too.
[02:15.05]Reporters talk to a lot of important and famous people.
[02:18.61]They also talk to quiet,shy people,
[02:21.98]so you need to be friendly.
[02:23.93]You shouldn't study just English and Chinese.
[02:27.41]You should be interested in many different things,
[02:30.86]such as science,art and music.
[02:34.23]Most importantly,you should read every day
[02:37.99]--books,stories,magazines and,of course,newspapers!
[02:43.16]Being a reporter has many advantages,
[02:46.61]such as meeting new people,
[02:49.06]but there are some disavantages,too.
[02:51.73]Sometimes you may work for many hours,
[02:54.97]but still not be able to write a good report.
[02:58.21]The work is exciting,
[03:00.56]but it's not always fun.
[03:03.01]One day,you may talk to a famous person
[03:06.17]and eat in a wonderful restaurant.
[03:08.53]The next day,you may spend hours in a cold,dirty room
[03:12.68]without anything to eat or drink!
[03:15.63]Lesson 2
[03:16.88]visitor   n.
[03:18.45]fire-fighter   n.
[03:20.41]pilot   n.
[03:19.41]height   n.
[03:20.87]manage   v.manager   n.
[03:22.34]1.Read the conversation and answer the questions.
[03:27.30]Sally:Hi,Mum.We had a visitor at school today.
[03:30.46]It was Lingshi's uncle.
[03:33.31]He talked to us about being a reporter.
[03:36.18]He said it was exciting.
[03:38.64]Mrs Webb:Sorry,Sally.
[03:41.09]I couldn't hear you.
[03:42.56]Did he say that being a reporter was exciting?
[03:45.01]Sally:Yes,he did.
[03:46.58]He also told us what we should and shouldn't do
[03:49.74]if we want to be reporters.
[03:51.49]Mrs Webb:Oh?I'm interested!
[03:53.53]What shouldn't you do?
[03:55.56]Well,he said that we shouldn't study just Chinese and English.
[04:00.53]He said we should study lots of different things and read every day.
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