

Source: 恒星英语学习网    2016-06-17  我要投稿   论坛   Favorite  




Questions 1 to 3 are based on the passage you have just heard.

A. That smokers ignore the rules.
B. There is no campaign against smoking.
C. There are no rules regarding smoking.
D. Public education is lacking.

A. It made her more tolerant to smoker behavior.
B. It made her think that smoking rules need to be changed.
C. It made her want to stop smoking.
D. It made her respect smokers in the United States.

A. Why people should follow rules better.
B. Why the speaker quit smoking.
C. How the speaker's attitude changed.
D. How smoking rules have changed.



Sometime earlier this year I took a trip to England and France because I wanted to go see some friends in France. But one thing that struck me very much was the difference in attitudes towards smoking. To be blunt, people in Europe smoke like chimneys. There are antismoking signs all over the place, but no one seems to pay much attention to them. People seem to smoke anywhere and everywhere, and even though there's antismoking campaigns. In fact, when I was in England there was controversy several times over the radio about, a member of the world cup team, the world cup soccer team, who smoked. And people were actually saying, "Well, he shouldn't be on the team because he's a bad example for our children." If they want to look at bad examples for their children with smoking, they should just go out on the street, or go into the subways, or look in the mirror, even, because so many of them are smoking in very inappropriate places.
So this experience in Europe give me more over respect for people who smoke in this country. There are a lot of American smokers who have attitudes, you know, they will proclaim their right to smoke whenever they want. But they will follow the rules. If there is a no smoking sign, they will go outside. And they will not smoke where they're asked not to smoke. In general, they do have consideration for nonsmokers. They will ask "can I smoke?" Whereas it seems to me at least in Europe that people, just smoked. They didn't ask for permission or anything.

Q1. What does the speaker think about the attitudes toward smoking in Europe?
Q2. What was the result of her experience in Europe?
Q3. What is the talk mainly about?



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